Dear classes,
Well, it's that time of year again, and I like to just write you all a final farewell letter as a culmination of the semesters learnings.
First, I want to say that it has been an honor and a privelege to teach you all this semester. It seems as if it was just yesterday that we walked into the first day of class and I gave my intimidating speech to try and weed out the slackers, or atleast most of them. :)
Here's some of the memories that stand out to me at the moment:
Half of my 1101 students returning for 1102 and keeping to one half of the room.
Shrinking my last 1102 class of the day from 30 to 19 students.
Bryan M. leaving his horn in class.
Late night IM's with Arnold, Mike, Raul and William
Rene keeping me out of the classroom and then Yanko and Jonathan trying to keep Raul, William and Rene out of the room.
Paola's strength overcoming Yanko's after pulling the door opened from him!
Hector not being able to figure out "technology"
Brian and Chris realizing they had done the writing assignment completely wrong
Dantes....Dantes.....well, nuff said. Thanks for walking me to class, oh and everything else. LOL! Don't take it too seriously!
Going with Yeli, Danny, Michelle, Crystal, Nicole and Camilo to the beach and handing out bags to the homeless.
Danielle trusting her peers to tell them a testimonial about her life. (Inspiring)
Trying to convince Basmah to see a writing tutor.
Teaching William spanish; "Hasta" -William, "Luego" -Tasha
Yeli calling to ask me my thoughts on ZenZuu; at midnight....
Some of you finding me on Facebook or Myspace and requesting me; Adam D. being ammused by the fact that he knows what his teacher is up to because of her updates.
Lola and Dantes fighting with each other all the time.
Ruben's articulate oratory skills. (Impressive)
Gabriel's style of writing. Loved it.
Evio not understanding how he got a certain grade (better than he expected) and wanting an explanation.
Trying to figure out what was up between Jonathan and Angelica.
Learning Amna's real true feelings about raising children. LOL! I recommend you not have any! LOL!
Heated racial topic conversations in 12 noon class.
My quiet students; Men, Maria M, Renata, Daphnie, Rosanna, Vanessa C., Karen, Fernanda, Danny Castro, Sophia, and Bryttany S. - even though you rarely said anything unless I was forcing you to speak, I know that great thoughts were transpiring in those minds and I got a glimpse of that in your blogs.
Talking about my family
The culture club boys: G.C., Steven, Mike and Arnold
Telling Rae and Brian to stop with the texting
Cadet being impressed that a teacher would actually care. i'm still waiting for our chat though.
My bubbly, always happy Bianca! Even when I have to tell her to be quiet!
Jonathan always being wayyyyyy behind and sitting outside waiting for class to end so he wouldn't have to walk in late. Sure!
Denise fitting in with a bunch of kids.
Sasha getting the giggles during her presentation.
Jelly Belly, Yeli Belly. It's been awsome watching your growth in the last two semesters.
Evio learning Hawaiian!
Belkis too shy to talk, but not too shy to show off her brand new, beautiful Tat!
Remember Hector if you're going to get into politics you better start showing conviction. You could have the power to change, but you have to believe.
Kim and Shay full of questions!
Having to say goodbye to Jason 2 weeks before the end of the semester. (My thoughts are with him and his family)
Canadian Chris, never impressed with the Americans! :)
Danny Jacobo and his Purple face and hands! OMgosh!
Raul being 20 minutes late for his own Presentation!
Kenny asking me to be the advisor for a NORML style club on campus
Roberto getting the balls to take my class
Gretel not ever saying a word, two semesters in a row! How is that possible? And oh the thoughts she weaves in her pretty little head that I get to enter when she posts up her journal entries.
Chris Y., even though you may not even read this because you have only donlike one blog, but then again that's better than you're cousin Jonathan, opening up to your peers and sharing some personal insight.
Always confusing Jaclyn and Adriana while I was taking attendance (but I don't think they ever knew) and just being thankful that neither of them ever missed a class!
Finding out Yanko means John.
Alexandra naming the "Tra La La"!!
Nicole Not Singing for us this semester.
Being invited to NRHH dinner by Kim. (honored)
Liz frusterated with depressing topics. Sorry.... :)
Mike P. who stood me up. What guy in their right mind would stand me up?? LOL!
Noyra and Ruben going their seperate ways for the class project.
Ruben being in an female group talking about being a teenage mom!
Jonathan Alba, the only student from my 1101 section U32 that decided to give it another jab with me. That's loyalty!
Talking about my family
Carla the spokeswoman recruiting votes!
No, William, not gonna call you L.B. William is much more befitting.
I was determined to seperate the old FIG class, if it was the last thing I did. Didn't work out too well though.
Kenny, why didn't you ever play guitar for us before?
G.C. or J.C, which is it?? Tell me already!
Sonya playing waitress, and not doing a real good job at it!
Andre always being late to class.
Michael C. thinking it is way too bright in class to be without sunglasses.
Adam Cando, glad that I weeded out the slackers, enjoying the small tight knit class
Calling Cadet by his last name. Strange. :)
Impressed with Jessica, Jennifer and Rossanna's tried patience. (Proud of You! No one would have done it better)
Jacqulyn's determination to see it through to the end.
Denise, don't forget your promise to me!
Sometimes feeling like I am teaching elementary and literally having to split up the three musketeers to three different corners of the room - William, Raul and Rene!
Nikki always with something to say, ready for the fight! Love that spunk, don't ever lose it, don't ever change.
Listening to reactions over 'Fidel' the movie.
Adam D., you never did tell us what the pens were for?
Anthony always a different "look", from obnoxiously loud to business savvy dress attire, a great spokesperson, but you have to stop moving when you are standing in front of the audience; it's very distracting! LOL!
Gretel finally talking in front of a class (2 times in one year! BRAVO! I'm so proud of you!)
Denise Trampstamp, Mencos Mentos, and Little Bill
Men annoyed with Rene's immaturity
Enjoying Noyra's paintings
Talking about my family some more
Dantes constantly asking for a movie night at my place
Watching Yisel grow and develop over the last two semesters and bloom as a writer and as a speaker in class - I'm proud of you!
Dayana NOT wanting to set up a booth in GC. But Yisel is persistent! LOL! Aren't you glad you did it Dayana??
Can you teach a humanities course?? Children, I will look into it and if I can I will let you all know!
Being so proud of the work you all came up with together as groups (something most of you dreaded) with your document designs and presentations. So so proud! I will wear my shirts proudly and be aware that your videos set the bar even higher for next semesters students!
These are just some of the countless memories I have with all of you, but what I remember the most is laughing! And laughing is the best medicine.
So while I may have talked about my family too much, said things like "more better", given too much work that I couldn't even keep up with, sent last minute emails, and the latest: taken my job too seriously (check it out on, my hope is that you all walk away from this class having learned, not only the importance of ethos, logos, pathos, claims, rebuttals, thesis statements, citations, etc, but more importantly, how to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, how to be critical thinkers, not to take things for face value, to always question, always doubt, always respond, always react, don't be apathetic, don't be complacent, things are not black and white, they are multi-layered, multi-faceted, multi-colored, multi-perspective, and with these skills you will continue through life applying them from situation to situation, class to class, reading to reading, person to person, issue to issue, making you far more equipped and capable than the person next to you. But don't keep these skills to yourself; teach them to those around you, and if it seems I care more than I should or expect you to act like my class is the most important, it is because I have the responsibility of making sure I send you off through the rest of undergrad school PREPARED and I take this responsibility seriously.
Anyways, enough philosophizing, right! :) I will miss you all very much, one of the downfalls I have to bear for caring so much. BUT, you can always find me on those infamous networking sites, by email (, or by phone (305-505-4632). Keep in touch so I can keep you posted on the info for the charity event, because I expect you all to come out and support me!!
Now, go back to your blog and leave me a letter with your last and final reflective thoughts concerning the semester.
Peace out Suckas!
-Tasha Baby
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Extra Credit Blog Prompt #2
Ok, so every semester I get students who like to share videos with me on their blogs, either home videos (because they are amateur videographers) or videos they have found themselves. One student in particular, Dantes Gutierrez, loves to share videos of slam poets. Several months ago he introduced me to Saul Williams. The man is amazing, although for most of his stuff you have to listen to it several times before you "get it". In any case, I found this one called "When The Clock Strikes Me" and I wanted to share it with you and hear your thoughts on it. Break down his poem, what's he saying, what's he talking about, what's his purpose?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Extra Credit Blog Prompt #1
So here is your first chance to make up a missed journal entry. Rather than posting on your own blog you will post here on mine as a comment responding back and forth to your peers answers. I will be prompting you with debatable issues so feel free to respectfully challenge one another and your opinions.
How many of you are dog lovers?? Or cat lovers?? For the most part, a lot of people love their pets. I have a Golden Retrieveer, she's been a part of my family for the last 5 years. We had a cat that died last year and we have two turtles. Now my cat, was an outdoor cat. Every now and then I would sneak him in but for the most part he was outside. Every morning he would come to the sliding door window and "meow" to be fed. He was my youngest sons love.
We found Bowser dead one morning by the mailbox. We think he may have been poisoned by a neighbor but we never took him to the vet to confirm. We were more concerned with having to break the news to my son.
Now my dog, is an indoor dog. She spends her days being a lazy fatty dog! But every night I let her out to roam around free; off the leash. When she's done chasing cats and has tired out she comes back.
SO, we all know there's a leash law that was implemented primarily to protect citizens from being bit or attacked by dogs. I know Precious (my dog) would never bite but she will sit on the front yard and growl her wimpy growl at passerby's (mostly delinquents LOL!) acting like she's fierce. I suppose however, I am in the wrong for not abiding the leash law and I could get in trouble for it, but I guess I will just keep taking my chances.
BUT WHAT IF my dog was hit by a stupid kid who likes to race down my neighborhood, that mind you is very narrow and twists and turns reducing your visibility of what is coming up behind the corner, and HITS MY DOG RESULTING IN DEATH! Thast should be crime right?? He should go to jail; that's still a life......right?
How many of you are dog lovers?? Or cat lovers?? For the most part, a lot of people love their pets. I have a Golden Retrieveer, she's been a part of my family for the last 5 years. We had a cat that died last year and we have two turtles. Now my cat, was an outdoor cat. Every now and then I would sneak him in but for the most part he was outside. Every morning he would come to the sliding door window and "meow" to be fed. He was my youngest sons love.

Now my dog, is an indoor dog. She spends her days being a lazy fatty dog! But every night I let her out to roam around free; off the leash. When she's done chasing cats and has tired out she comes back.
SO, we all know there's a leash law that was implemented primarily to protect citizens from being bit or attacked by dogs. I know Precious (my dog) would never bite but she will sit on the front yard and growl her wimpy growl at passerby's (mostly delinquents LOL!) acting like she's fierce. I suppose however, I am in the wrong for not abiding the leash law and I could get in trouble for it, but I guess I will just keep taking my chances.
BUT WHAT IF my dog was hit by a stupid kid who likes to race down my neighborhood, that mind you is very narrow and twists and turns reducing your visibility of what is coming up behind the corner, and HITS MY DOG RESULTING IN DEATH! Thast should be crime right?? He should go to jail; that's still a life......right?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Blog #9
This week one of my students (Yeli Mayor) asked me to look into this new internet networking software that is about to be launched in Aug. 2008 and wanted to know what I thought of it after applying my own analytical skills to it. So I went to the webiste, and watched a little demo video, skimmed around the home page and Privacy page and came to my own conclusion.
Online networking is the new craze in this technologically savvy society that we live in today. Speaking for myself I have had a myspace account for several years and just got into Facebook. I love it! I think it is one of the most powerful tools we have out there to keep in touch with people, to make people aware of events, groups, news, etc. that interest us and may possibly interest others. But what if someone told you, you could make money off of networking with people? Would you be interested?
It appears that is what ZenZuu is proposing. Check it out for yourself at, watch the intro video and use the skills that I have taught you about analyzing rhetorical strategies that are being used to propose and sell a product to you. Pay close attention to the details.
Rather than responding and writing on your own blog though, I want you to enter your reactions and analysis here on mine as a comment so that your peers can read what you think and you can react to one another as well.
Also, stay tuned for extra credit prompts in the coming days. As the semester comes to an end I like to give last minute opportunities to make up missed blogs by giving additional prompts.
Online networking is the new craze in this technologically savvy society that we live in today. Speaking for myself I have had a myspace account for several years and just got into Facebook. I love it! I think it is one of the most powerful tools we have out there to keep in touch with people, to make people aware of events, groups, news, etc. that interest us and may possibly interest others. But what if someone told you, you could make money off of networking with people? Would you be interested?
It appears that is what ZenZuu is proposing. Check it out for yourself at, watch the intro video and use the skills that I have taught you about analyzing rhetorical strategies that are being used to propose and sell a product to you. Pay close attention to the details.
Rather than responding and writing on your own blog though, I want you to enter your reactions and analysis here on mine as a comment so that your peers can read what you think and you can react to one another as well.
Also, stay tuned for extra credit prompts in the coming days. As the semester comes to an end I like to give last minute opportunities to make up missed blogs by giving additional prompts.
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