Does media have an influence on you?? Have you ever thought about it or are you quick to say that the media has no influence on you, what you do, eat, dress and say?
Have you ever stopped and thought about the movies that are released during a year and wondered if there is a possible correlation between the movies you are watching and a particular mentality it may be influencing you to have according to the times? For instance, think about the movies that have been released post 9/11. We were in a time of "sensitivity" hence, fantasy and comedic movies were popular as were comic book style violence (SpiderMan and Die another Day) But as the years have gone by, the movies have changed, and it would almost appear as though recently movies have this superhero quality to them as if to inspire this superhero mentality in all of us and suggest that we (the U.S) are the superheroes of the world. And let's not even talk about the war movies that have released, inspiring a sense of Patriotism and Hoorah sensibility.
Why do you listen to the kind of music you listen to? Why do you watch the shows you watch? What kind of effect do they have on you? Do they influence the way you dress? The way you talk? The way you behave? You probably think not, right? We are all individuals with our own minds and make our own choices because we have the freedom to so, right? Well, of course there are those who beg to differ. Here is an interesting video on..... well I don't want to spoil it. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Blog Prompt #2: Limitations?? What Limitations, I don't have any Limitations!
When is too much PDA too much? Or is that even a valid question? If you don't like it turn away, right? Or is there a line of disrespect that can be crossed? And if there is a line should there be a governing policy on that? Gay or Lesbian PDA may seem disrespecful to some. But who determines what is disrespectful or "immoral" and for that matter how can you legislate morality?
Seems like everywhere you turn now-a-days, someone is coming up with a new rule about something. Is there a fear that the new generations may become to "loose" or "free" like the generation of the 60's? Think about the 60's and you may simply think of drugs and sex, but there was a lot more going on. Freedoms. The freedom to think, choose, work, was a breaking of the shackles that had been holding a society in a grip because society supposedly didn't know what was best for itself.
This weekend I had the chance to finally see the "Golden Compass", and at some point in the movie my husband turned to me and asked me, "What is this movie about?" I looked at him and laughed and said, "It's all about the man behind the curtain. "
I'm sure many of you have heard that saying. Some of you may picture the Wizard of Oz curtain that hides the puny little old man who is "in control" of everyone, the "all powerful", the "all knowledged." But have you ever really stopped to think about the "man" and who that "man" really is? Do you believe that there is a "man behind the curtain" telling you what you should or shouldn't think, how you should or shouldn't dress, how to act or not act? Or do you believe that you govern yourself, and your thoughts? Are you allowed to think freely? Or do you just think you do? And if there really is a "man" behind the curtain, who is that "man", or is it really a man?
I stumbled upon this video and found it, quiet interesting, needless to say.
It never seizes to amaze me the lengths we will go to.........well you determine for yourself.....just watch.
Seems like everywhere you turn now-a-days, someone is coming up with a new rule about something. Is there a fear that the new generations may become to "loose" or "free" like the generation of the 60's? Think about the 60's and you may simply think of drugs and sex, but there was a lot more going on. Freedoms. The freedom to think, choose, work, was a breaking of the shackles that had been holding a society in a grip because society supposedly didn't know what was best for itself.
This weekend I had the chance to finally see the "Golden Compass", and at some point in the movie my husband turned to me and asked me, "What is this movie about?" I looked at him and laughed and said, "It's all about the man behind the curtain. "
I'm sure many of you have heard that saying. Some of you may picture the Wizard of Oz curtain that hides the puny little old man who is "in control" of everyone, the "all powerful", the "all knowledged." But have you ever really stopped to think about the "man" and who that "man" really is? Do you believe that there is a "man behind the curtain" telling you what you should or shouldn't think, how you should or shouldn't dress, how to act or not act? Or do you believe that you govern yourself, and your thoughts? Are you allowed to think freely? Or do you just think you do? And if there really is a "man" behind the curtain, who is that "man", or is it really a man?
I stumbled upon this video and found it, quiet interesting, needless to say.
It never seizes to amaze me the lengths we will go to.........well you determine for yourself.....just watch.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Welcome ENC 1101 Summer A!!
It's the beginning of a new semester and with that comes the stress of delegating classes, studying, tests, maybe work, family, friends, personal time and fun time and trying to be successful in all areas. Have you ever really thought about how you manage everything in your life? Really thought about it; broken it down sort of thing? Maybe you don't have time to really think about how you manage your everyday life, and maybe it isn't that important to you to think about it. But if you're not thinking about how you manage your life and just going with the flow, chances are you probably don't really think about other issues.
If you have had a blog in the past, your own, or for another class, then I challenge you to examine, question and analyze your experience with having a blog. Consider why you had one, how it made you feel, and how you manipulated the security settings for your own sense of security. Consider changes you may make. Consider how writing a blog may have helped or hindered your writing ability.
So this is your very first blog prompt/journal entry for the semester!! Are you excited? LOL! Probably not, but that's ok. Maybe, hopefully, eventually, you will begin to actually enjoy this process. Just remember: Always think outside the box!
And it's more than just thinking about issues, it's challenging, questioning, analyzing and exploring issues. Breaking them down into pieces and examining them. Just like a business person or accountant would do with numbers, or how a biologist/chemist would do with cells/atoms and elements.
If this is your first time writing in a blog I challenge you to examine, question and analyze this idea of writing your thoughts, opinions on an internet blog as a journal. How does this make you feel? Consider the fact that you have security settings that you can manipulate and that you are being required to do this for a class rather than a decision you have made on your own. Consider its purpose and your audience. The style of writing you should adhere to.If you have had a blog in the past, your own, or for another class, then I challenge you to examine, question and analyze your experience with having a blog. Consider why you had one, how it made you feel, and how you manipulated the security settings for your own sense of security. Consider changes you may make. Consider how writing a blog may have helped or hindered your writing ability.
So this is your very first blog prompt/journal entry for the semester!! Are you excited? LOL! Probably not, but that's ok. Maybe, hopefully, eventually, you will begin to actually enjoy this process. Just remember: Always think outside the box!

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