Saturday, May 30, 2009
Early in the week I saw a clip concerning a man drinking his daughters breast milk. (click on the link for article and video) Later on in the week I decided to check out Toms Shoes after having seen the commercial over and over again that it made me wonder if it was portraying a real company. After checking out the website it made me wonder why more businesses weren't like Tom's. Oh, and then there was the infamous announcement of President Obama's choice for Supreme Court: Sonia Sotomayor along with the handful of questionable remarks and decisions made by her. The one that really peaked my interest though, was the situation with the Firefighters, being that we are discussing marginzalized communities. Quite the reverse situation here with white men claiming to be the marginalized ones. (listen to NPR link)
Moving on, some of you may or may not be aware of some of the major cuts our very own FIU is experiencing, dance, music and religious studies. Interestingly the Dalai Lama himself decided to come to FIU's rescue and help support the religious studies department by donating $100K. I wonder if we can get someone to do the same for the marching band?
Lastly, I thought I would share with you another blog, that of my husbands, Roger Mendoza, where he posts his paintings. Thursday morning (4am) he finished his latest painting, check him out. :)
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Think for Yourself
Some of you might actually find this difficult to do without a prompt, sooooo if that is the case, then I encourage you to write about your essay topic as a brainstorming exercise. Or, I recommend that you visit where you can find "Riveting Talks by Remarkable People" about everything and anything.
So think....for yourself, cuz I wanna hear from you:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
And the age old argument is reignited on the sandy beaches of Miami!!!

All have sinned and come short of God’s glory,he is no exception.We all need to pray for this man, a natural man with sexual feelings.The catholic church should be happy that this time they aren’t paying out money to some little boy and his family.
I admire Father Alberto for all of the good that he has done for our community and I will support him unconditionaly. El que sea libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra.
If Father Alberto had done this with another man, nothing would have been done….The USA is not a DICTATORSHIP-unlike the Vatican. Father Alberto did nothing wrong….the vows are wrong!
This last remark (all of which I copied and pasted from Bitten and Bound) leaves me wondering....Didn't the famous Padre Alberto read the vows before he took his oath of celibacy? Maybe not...maybe he thought he was above them....or maybe he's just like every other man....hmmm, but.......well, I'll let you work it out a bit more. Can you make a strong argument for Padre Alberto's risque behavior????
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Blog Prompt #1: New Semester and Blogging
It's the beginning of a new semester and with that comes the stress of delegating classes, studying, tests, maybe work, family, friends, personal and fun time along with trying to be successful in all areas. Have you ever really thought about how you manage everything in your life? Really thought about it; broken it down sort of thing? Maybe you don't have time to really think about how you manage your everyday life, and maybe it isn't that important to you to think about it. But if you're not thinking about how you manage your life and just going with the flow, chances are you probably don't really think about other issues.
And it's more than just thinking about issues, it's about challenging, questioning, analyzing and exploring issues. Breaking them down into pieces and examining each piece and how they work together to make a whole. Just like a business person or accountant would do with numbers, or how a biologist/chemist would do with cells/atoms and elements.
If this is your first time writing in a blog I challenge you to examine, question and analyze this idea of writing your thoughts or opinions on an internet blog as a journal. How does this make you feel? Uneasy, excited? Consider the fact that you have security settings that you can manipulate and that you are being required to do this for a class rather than a decision you have made on your own. Consider its purpose and who your audience is. Do you want for the whole world, or just for your teacher? What kind of style should you write in depending on that audience? Will you write in first or 3rd person, will you speak directly to an audience or not?Will you put up a picture of yourself? Your interests? Your email address? How much information do you want people to have access to about you? What did you name your own URL? How does it make you feel to have a URL?
This isn't your first time blogging??
If you have had a blog in the past, your own, for my class or for another class, then I challenge you to examine, question and analyze your experience with having a blog. Consider why you had one, how it made you feel, and how you manipulated the security settings for your own sense of security. Consider changes you may make now that you have grown and developed as a writer/blogger. Consider how writing a blog may have helped or hindered your writing ability. Will you continue writing in the same style, tone and voice or are you going to change? Who will be your audience?
So, this is your very first blog prompt/journal entry for the semester!! Are you excited? LOL! Probably not, but that's ok. Maybe, hopefully, eventually, you will begin to actually enjoy this process. Just remember: Always think outside the box!