As you all are perfectly aware, obesity is on the rise in this country; it is becoming an epidemic. It would seem that many elements are contributing to this problem, from an increase of two parent working households that result in more takeout and less homemade dinners, to the usual bombardment of visual rhetoric that sells fast food and sugary cereals, all the way to the impact FCAT is having in public schools who are not scoring according to standards and are being punished by eliminating Physical Education programs from the curriculum. There are many more reasons that I am sure you can think of, and the problem is obviously serious. So much so, that people are waking up and now deciding that it is time to do something about it.
One of those advocates for change is a chef named Jamie Oliver. His reality based tv show called Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, aired for the first time this past Sunday. He is one man on a mission to change our perspective on food and the manner in which we eat. More importantly though, he wants to educate children. He recently was the recipient of the TED wish award, an award given "annually to an exceptional individual who receives $100,000 and, much more important, "One Wish to Change the World.""
Every time an individual wins this prize they are invited to give a talk about their cause. I invite you here to listen to Jamie's persuasive presentation and blog about your thoughts in regards to his revolution. Can it be done? Can he succeed to feul the flames and start a Food Revolution??
Click here to be redirected to his talk.