Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Solving Homelessness...?
Homelessness is a huge issue in the U.S. and with the housing epidemic over the last few years, a new community of homeless has surged in numbers: families. But homelessness is an issue that most people choose to ignore, that most people believe is unsolvable, that most people are apathetic to. Why? Because if they weren't ok with being homeless than they would do something about it. Right?
Perhaps it's not that black and white. Like any issue dealing with marginalization there are plenty shades of gray involved which ultimately make dealing with or solving the problem/issue twice as difficult. Needless to say, it is a challenge. However, consider the possibly that the problem of "fixing" the problem lies in that people believe it takes only one persons solution to fix a problem. One solution; one right way to do things.
This mentality was in part used after the oil spill in the gulf, and now with the rescuing of the 33 miners in Chile, the world zooms in on the collaborative efforts that Chile put together with several other nations in order to come up with a solution. Is there something to be learned in this problem solving strategy?
In the last two video parts of his documentary learn about two other solutions to the problem that Slovick learned about while living on and documenting the community on Skid Row. In your blog, discuss your reaction to the issue on Skid Row and what other possible solution could be looked at to help solve this issue; because at the end of the day, whether you realize it or not, or want to accept it, homelessness does affect all of our citizen's lives, particularly our pockets.
Good Magazine: Skid Row Part 4: God
Good Magazine: Skid Row Part 5: Afterword
If you want to see what happens to a child who grows up in these sorts of environments check out Brenda Ann Kenneally's "Back on the Block: Andy & Tata". Brenda is a Miami native who moved to NY pursuing a masters in Photography and in this piece she follows Andy over the course of several years documenting his life through photography & video recordings.
And if you're interested in the report by Anderson Cooper on Hospital Dumping, click here
and if you want to see what others like yourself have done check out Enoch Magazine and their crew of young documentarists and what they've been doing on Skid Row as well as with prostitutes.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
1st Amendement; a fine line?

Freedom of Speech is a right that we value deeply as Americans. Recently however, a religious organization called the Westboro Baptist Church headed by Pastor Fred Phelps, has caught the attention of the nation leaving everyone questioning whether or not there should be limits to Free Speech. The members of this church have been around for a while. As a matter of fact, I introduced them to some of my classes almost two years ago. They are known for staging pickets with signs that say things like: "God Hates Fags," "Thank God for 911," and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers" and the name of their website (which I might add is a professionally designed looking website) is
Protesting and picketing is an American democratic tradition. However, should restrictions be put into place that would bar or ban groups such as this one from picketing at a soldiers funeral? It is the belief of the members of this "church" that God is punishing America and its citizens for all of its sins and that the soldiers dying in Iraq and in Afghanistan as a result of the war are God's punishment for....well, let me just cite what they claim:
"America was duped into the Iraq/Afghanistan war! Thank God for dead soldiers!
Hell has room for all of your soldiers, America! George Bush has been suckered into a bloody, senseless war that he can’t win by a God determined to execute vengeful justice on a disobedient nation. Now Obama is going to continue that trend! You hate your children, raising them for the devil and hell, teaching them to murder their unborn babies, eat feces, and practice every form of sexual perversion the dark mind of man can create. You cannot silence the preaching at their funerals, and if you had half a brain, you’d embrace it as the only truth of God you’ve ever heard. Number who have entered hell as punishment for your sins: 4,207 WBC Prays for it to be All Service Members!
“Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!” Hosea 9:10." (
The claim behind everything the WBC does is that we are all sinners and because we do not follow the word of the lord and respect the word of the lord, we are all going to go to Hell. You can not obey the word of the Lord and be tolerant of sin. This is a hypocrisy according to the WBC. Their biggest target is the gay community. If you're a "fag" (as they like to refer to gays) then you are going to hell and if you are a "fag lover" then you are going to hell. And all the bad things that are happening in the world are a result of our sins and God punishing us and we must accept our fate as such. Oh, and if you don't believe in God, don't think you're exempt, apparently you're still going to Hell.
Watch this video posted on Newsweek (click here) and hear for yourself what the Pastor has to say and how he supports his claim. Can you pinpoint what his support is and determine the strength of his support? Are his claims valid? Why is it so difficult for people to be persuaded by his claim? Does this seem like a cult? If so, what defines a cult? What are your thoughts on their picketing at soldiers funerals? What should the Supreme Court do? Is there a fine line to Free Speech? If we impose limits due to this, would you be comfortable with that? Is this a form of hate crime? What is a hate crime? What does it take to qualify as a hate crime?
Class, this post will be worth two grades; therefore, engage in a critical discussion about this topic. Be sure to formulate an argument that utilizes the rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, and pathos). Establish your credibility, use support and appeal to your audience's emotions. Don't allow yourself to get carried away solely by emotions. Do not make broad generalizations and do not assume anything. You know what happens when you assume right? (in case you don't: you make an ass out of you and me).