My oldest son was a little less than 2 years old when I got pregnant with my second son. Throughout the months I introduced the idea of being a big brother and the changes that were going to occur with my body to him. As the time neared, my son who is very inquisitive, asked me how his baby brother would come out of my tummy. Bent on always being as honest as possible with my son, I figured, if he's asking the question, then he is ready for the answer. I was not going to make up some story about a stork, that was for sure. "From my vagina. That's where babies come out of. Isn't that amazing?"
Personally, and I think most people would agree with me on this, I think it's really amazing that a woman's body has the capacity to bear a child and give birth to that baby vaginally. So why is it, when MamAmor released their newest doll, that does exactly that, are people, and women in particular, up in arms about it, claiming that "it's too much"? First they freaked out because
MamAmor(According to their About Us section on their website: "MamAmor dolls are pregnant, birthing, and breastfeeding mamas. Each one is handcrafted with love and attention to detail. MamAmor dolls are very unique, and like real mamas, they are all different.MamAmor dolls are educational tools that demonstrate normal, natural birth, breastfeeding and bonding."
has a line of breastfeeding dolls....and that was too much. Now MamAmor has created a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian) doll that gives birth both vaginally and by caesarian.
I grew up playing with Barbies who had perfect breasts, and no vagina. I had no breasts, but I had a vagina. Pretty confusing if you ask me. Yet, mommy's are A-OK providing their daughters with dolls that embrace a false sense of beauty and perfection and aren't even anatomically correct. How is that any right?
Lauren Jimeson wrote an article about the doll for Babble.com, a parenting website, and referred to it as "inappropriate" in the title of her article. So now, apparently, giving birth is "inappropriate", like it's pornographic or something.
She goes on to say that, "My 2 1/2 year old knows that there is a baby in my belly but she has no idea how the baby gets out. I don’t plan on having the “where do babies come from” conversation with her until she is much older. I can’t tell you exactly when she will be ready for the conversation, but I will let time take its natural course and we will approach the subject when it feels right for both of us." Until she's much older??? How much older?? What is the logic behind not explaining to a child the reality of an incredible and NATURAL experience? Is there something grotesque about it? Then she goes on to say,
"Giving this doll to a child as young as 3 might just confuse them on the baby subject in general, especially if you are trying to explain to them where there baby sister or brother are coming from. We’ve been very open with my daughter throughout this pregnancy, but not open enough to tell her exactly how her baby sister will get here. And we don’t plan on it either. There will be no doll or demonstration in our house explaining how the baby will get here." If you're trying to explain to them where babies are coming from, how is it confusing that the baby comes out of the vagina? That the woman's vagina is designed to be able to expand for a baby to come out of it? So it's less complicated to keep your child ignorant and in the dark about how life works? I wonder what this mom will tell her child when she sees a dog humping another dog? "Oh, their just playing hunny."
LOL, That reminds me of a video: