Sunday, September 4, 2011

Safe Haven laws: Decriminalizing Parental Surrender of Children

Currently, in 50 of the United States, there exists some form of the "Safe Haven Law" otherwise known as the "Baby Moses Law". While every state treats the surrenders in different manners, the law provides parents a means to surrender their child and their responsibilities as parents in a "safe" manner by which the child becomes a ward of the state. Supporters claim that the law saves lives rather than mothers aborting, killing or discarding their just born infants but there also exists controversy over the definition of a "child" such as in Nebraska where a "child" is defined as anyone under the age of 18.

Watch this short clip:

If there exists a problem with mothers injuring and abandoning and even killing their just born infants, and this law has been around for almost ten years in most places, then why is more attention not brought to these safe haven laws? Did you know they existed? Do you know what the safe haven laws of Florida stipulate? Or is this notion of providing a safe place for mothers to drop off their babies or children immoral and should not be given any attention? If more attention is given to this "opportunity" would it produce more problems than good? Would it allow mothers the opportunity to do away with a "problem" they don't want to deal with hence they don't have to suffer the consequences of their irresponsible behavior? Isn't this the same argument made against abortions and birth control? What are your thoughts?