Private vs Public spaces. I get to share pieces of me. Do I want to share pieces of me? Love me for who I am, hate me for who I am. The pieces that make me who I am. Put those pieces in public, but who really knows if those pieces are real? I can say I share the real pieces of me, but the real pieces of me are really in private. Who is reading these pieces of me? Who do these eyes belong to? Brown, blue, hazel, all color eyes spying, probing, analyzing, critiquing, my words, my language, my style, my pieces. Do I write for those eyes? Do I write for mine?? Do I want to entertain them, inform them, surprise them? My goals, my purpose. They are my audience and I have a purpose. How do I share these pieces of me? Which style of mine do these eyes prefer? Comedy, professional, cynical, mature, intellectual. Pieces of me. Change, mold, adapt, subscribe. Give them what they want, when they want, how they want. But always pieces of me.
That was great! I think that to show the real you is very important and it is also something that almost nobody talks about. Very original. :-)
That was really deep and really good, wow! Well I agree with Roberto in the sense that most people don't talk about themselves as individuals but rather talk about themselves as compared to others. Also it's really hard to know whether a person is being true to other as well as to themselves through spaces in the internet for many people lie in order to be accepted by others within the networks which shouldn't be done.
Wow.. that was awesome. I could only attempt to write like that =] but it was great.. and had an awesome message. I think that even further than writing about themselves, when people compare themselves to others they tend to believe what they write about themselves and mold their actions and personalities around those short descriptions. Is it crazy to think that? That someone would actually change themselves or write a lie instead of showing who they really are? And eventually, the confidence of knowing who you are, will go astray..
Nice "piece." lol
Life journey of self-discovery is twisted with changes isn't it? I really enjoyed how your piece acknowledged the audience. It surprised meh.
I really enjoyed this piece, it is deep... Public places are indeed full of mystery, nobody knows if those things said are true or not. The way they are said can change peoples' perception and judgment, yet the message is the same. Like everything else ideas do change and adapt, though we remain who we are.
tasha baby!!
It was such a pleasure reading this piece. I enjoyed every bit of it. There is a lot of mistery behing public places. Is it a place that invites us to be what we can't be or a place that let us be who we truly are? How much of the things that we post resemble our true essence. But what else can we do that to believe every piece of it.
That was a very deep message. Wow I'm surprised and impressed at the same time. I totally agree with every single word you wrote. Public and private spaces are different, indeed. And I think that we act differently in private than in public. Either way, I congratulate you on your ability to write so well and get through to your audience.
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