ENC 1101 & 1102 Blog Prompt
There are many social issues going on in the world around us that more often than not we don't even realize they are there. Whether in your community, in your state, country or across the globe in another country, these social issues, regardless of our attention to them are happening, and in one way or another affect our lives whether we want to admit it or not. Some of you perhaps watch the news on a daily basis, or read the newspaper, or online news and are aware of these issues, some of you may choose to put on blinders because you may think "There's nothing I can do, so why bother", or "The news only spews bad news and I only want to surround myself with positive news." Perfectly understandable. Perhaps there isn't anything you can do, perhaps the bad news around the wordl will ruin your happy, peaceful, life. Or maybe you do care, but you just don't know what you could possibly do. Regardless, the issues go on, they happen whether you want to acknowledge them or not. And I'm pretty sure you could sleep perfectly fine your entire life without worrying about the worries of the world. But this weekend, for my class, you are going to concern yourself with the issues of the world. For your blog entry, you are to discuss a social issue that you are aware of, (and if you are unaware of any, I guess that means you will have to do some "research"), take a stance or a position, how do you feel about it, discuss how you learned or discovered the issue, and any other relevant and intelligent remarks you would like to make about the issue. Most importantly though, as a part of this assignment, to prepare you for your final essays, you will encourage your classmates to learn about this issue as well. When you write your post for your blog, you will include a minimum of 2 hyperlinks that will redirect your readers to further information about the issue. Notice that the word "Hyperlink" is underlined, please click on it for more assistance. You will also be required to visit one of your peers blogs, read their blog and leave them a comment. This blog entry will be worth TWO grades. I sign off giving you some information on a social issue that you will not read about in the papers or see on the news.
There are many social issues going on in the world around us that more often than not we don't even realize they are there. Whether in your community, in your state, country or across the globe in another country, these social issues, regardless of our attention to them are happening, and in one way or another affect our lives whether we want to admit it or not. Some of you perhaps watch the news on a daily basis, or read the newspaper, or online news and are aware of these issues, some of you may choose to put on blinders because you may think "There's nothing I can do, so why bother", or "The news only spews bad news and I only want to surround myself with positive news." Perfectly understandable. Perhaps there isn't anything you can do, perhaps the bad news around the wordl will ruin your happy, peaceful, life. Or maybe you do care, but you just don't know what you could possibly do. Regardless, the issues go on, they happen whether you want to acknowledge them or not. And I'm pretty sure you could sleep perfectly fine your entire life without worrying about the worries of the world. But this weekend, for my class, you are going to concern yourself with the issues of the world. For your blog entry, you are to discuss a social issue that you are aware of, (and if you are unaware of any, I guess that means you will have to do some "research"), take a stance or a position, how do you feel about it, discuss how you learned or discovered the issue, and any other relevant and intelligent remarks you would like to make about the issue. Most importantly though, as a part of this assignment, to prepare you for your final essays, you will encourage your classmates to learn about this issue as well. When you write your post for your blog, you will include a minimum of 2 hyperlinks that will redirect your readers to further information about the issue. Notice that the word "Hyperlink" is underlined, please click on it for more assistance. You will also be required to visit one of your peers blogs, read their blog and leave them a comment. This blog entry will be worth TWO grades. I sign off giving you some information on a social issue that you will not read about in the papers or see on the news.

In the city of Ocotal, in the northern part of Nicaragua, there live approximately 30 children at or near the local dump. These children not only live in some of the most deplorable conditions imaginable, but they spend the entire day, from 7am to 6pm working, rummaging
through the garbage at the dump, under inhumane conditions, collecting aluminum and plastic so they may in turn sell them to recycling buyers. The little bit of money they make is enough to feed them for the day. Of these 30 children twenty are boys and ten are girls. They range in ages from 4 years old to 16 years old. Of the thirty, only 5 attend school. Most no longer can read or write because it has been so long since the last time they went to school. Most are homeless and orphaned, and some even live at the dumpster itself with only a plastic tarp as cover. There are no adults with these children except for one mother who
is accompanied by her young daughter every day. Although Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, it is also one of the poorest. While it is rich in beauty and culture, it is an impoverished country, and ranks as the 2nd poorest country of the western hemisphere after Haiti.

Wow....to be very honest, I had no idea Nicaragua was such a poor country. Seeing those children living next to the dump with no homes or families is devastating. To hear that kids have to collect things from the trash in such harsh weather and conditions to sell, just to eat and survive is unbelievable. We truly do take things for granted in this world. We don't realize how much we have and what we should be thankful for. Education is practically being thrown at us while they can't even read or write because it's been so long. It's just sad to know that society knows about all this and don't do much about it. Being from a different country, I know that Nicaragua is not the only poor country, Egypt as well had homeless and much worse. People always say they feel horrible and it's such a hurtful sight but don't do anything about it, we barely help the poor in America, let alone other countries. I just think this world is sad.
I am shockeed and disturbed by this information. I do not have much knowledge of Hispanic countries, but I just was not expecting for Nicaragua to be such a poor country. I am sad that people who live in this time live in such terrible conditions, and that children any where do not have access to education. Now that I am informed on this situation I feel blessed for what I have and I am willing to help out however I can. No one, especially children, should have to live in that manner.
Well, this isn't new to me. I'm Latin and about a year ago I was watching the Latin news. They were doing a documentary on the kids that live in the dumpster. That time, I remember that they were urging the community to help by donating cloths, shoes, school materials, etc. They were going to sent a container to Nicaragua to help this children.
Also, it is really sad that this matter is largely ignored by the media, they rather talk of some stupid stuff like celebrities lossing custody of their children or someone using steroids in a competition or game.
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