Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Last Opportunity at Extra Credit

The video below titled "A vision of Students Today" is your last chance at extra credit towards your journal grade. Please follow the instructions below the video.
(We will have out 9th entry next week and your final and tenth entry will be your self evaluation for the semester)


In need of a Godwink said...

I loved this video and agreed with it 100%. I couldn’t help but notice that it focused on two subject’s technology and the educational system. So far I love the whole college experience and do believe that these are the best years of our lives. However they can be overshadowed by stress, money problems, and sometimes school it self. Nowadays students are forced to take classes they do not need or will help in their future careers. This in turn is a waste of time and money. MONEY a lot of us do not have. I get the feeling sometimes that our schools just look at us like dollar signs and are not truly interested in our success. it is easy to point a finger towards a college dropout but have they ever taken the time to ask why that student dropped out? Furthermore, it is hard to find those few great teachers that actually take the time to learn your name and actually teach you something worthwhile. (u rock Natasha lol.)
Another point made by the mini-movie was on technology that instead of helping us it is actually hindering our learning ability. It basically says we spend too much time on the ipods, laptops, and phone. We really don’t focus on what we have to do for our futures like making the grades and passing. Of course this is not for everyone there are those few that focus on school.
I agree with Alex, have we lost our ability to really learn. Are we just empty vessels that get up every day and just follow a certain routine?

Rebecca said...

you know i find this video somewhat...amusing, for lack of a better word.

It made me remember something a doctor friend of mine told me once.

"no one ever asked me if i wrote the 12 page paper for english or how many times i took algebra in order to pass it, they ask me how many years of EXPIRIENCE i have"

So yeah i think all this pre-req bullshit is a way to steal our money, money that we DEFINTLY dont have. I am not amazed at how many students drop out of college every semester. For me to pay all of my bills i work a minimum of 50 hours and week and sleep no more than 5 hours a night AND thats only making ends meat. And then to put the sugar on top of it FIU has the audacity to tell me that i have to pay this bullshit tutiton for classes that have nothing to do with my major and then pay another fortune in books that i wont even get half the money back for.

RIDICULOUS, now i can type about this subject for hours but im going to cut it short because Natasha doesnt want to read this much <3

Rebecca said...

this has nothing to do with the blog but i thought you would like to see this video. Its my absolute favorite band and song...so enjoy =]
