- Your response to this movie should be no less than 350 words.
- Your response should discuss your immediate reaction to the documentary and what stood out to you the most; did it disgust you, shock you, make you feel bad and why?
- Your response should discuss how the director of these movie clips was able to make you feel what you felt; what did they include, manipulate, or use to appeal to your feelings?
- This assignment is to be submitted by midnight Friday, March 7th.
If you have any problems viewing the movies from here then you can view the movies on myspace at: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=28536735 (this link is for the first part of the movie, you can scroll down on the sidebar to see the second part.)
I am only asking that you watch the first two parts of this documentary, but I highly encourage you to watch the other two parts that have been posted.
Skid Row Part I
Skid Row Part II
you know... i half thought this was going to be a documentary about the band Skid Row...
way to tease me
btw my reply to your comment... You can't win them all sweetie :P
HOLY MOLY... leave the lady alone dantes!
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