How many of you are dog lovers?? Or cat lovers?? For the most part, a lot of people love their pets. I have a Golden Retrieveer, she's been a part of my family for the last 5 years. We had a cat that died last year and we have two turtles. Now my cat, was an outdoor cat. Every now and then I would sneak him in but for the most part he was outside. Every morning he would come to the sliding door window and "meow" to be fed. He was my youngest sons love.

Now my dog, is an indoor dog. She spends her days being a lazy fatty dog! But every night I let her out to roam around free; off the leash. When she's done chasing cats and has tired out she comes back.
SO, we all know there's a leash law that was implemented primarily to protect citizens from being bit or attacked by dogs. I know Precious (my dog) would never bite but she will sit on the front yard and growl her wimpy growl at passerby's (mostly delinquents LOL!) acting like she's fierce. I suppose however, I am in the wrong for not abiding the leash law and I could get in trouble for it, but I guess I will just keep taking my chances.
BUT WHAT IF my dog was hit by a stupid kid who likes to race down my neighborhood, that mind you is very narrow and twists and turns reducing your visibility of what is coming up behind the corner, and HITS MY DOG RESULTING IN DEATH! Thast should be crime right?? He should go to jail; that's still a life......right?
Okay, one, your dog's name is Precious? And secondly, how poorly written was this? lol.. :P If I could toss my hate in the ring. I really think that this law is ridiculous and should never pass. If every idiot that hit a dog or cat was put in jail, we would all pay the price by having our taxes spiking upwards to accommodate for the squandering our govt would be doing (more so than now) to keep those 'felons' in jail. Not only that, I think, if anything at all, the people who don't put leashes on their pets and have them running around our neighborhoods, just to be hit by a car, should be the ones to either be more heavily fined, or if not, jailed, for deliberately disobeying the law and endangering the lives of people both walking and driving on the road.
i agree to an extent with the last post about the whole thing about putting people to jail and the taxes.
On the other hand, I completely understand what it is to love a pet. I know if a pet that I own that I have had for years were to be killed by a speeding car, or something careless like that I would want to punish the person who did it. BUT instead of putting him in jail, I would set a heavy fine as the punishment for the crime. It is not fair to those people who have pets to lose them and nothing happens, just because they are "animals."
Also im sure there are people who argue the fact that we must let our pets go free for a bit because how would you feel if you were stuck at home ALL DAY? I know that just as we get bored of being at home animals get bored of being on a leash and sitting at home. This is why this argument is valid and we must see this point of view. We cannot be closed off to ideas and perspectives. This is why I do think we do have to punish people who kills pets carelessly in some way. Like I said before, I think the best thing to do would be to set a fine.
I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion and that there are people out there who treat pets as if they where their own child. I personally have never been so close to a pet that is why it does not affect me so much when a pet dies. Yes, it is sad to see an animal that has been a member of your family pass away but sometimes people take it to the extreme. If I had a pet and it passed away I would be devastated because it was an animal that I fed, walked and groomed but, I would not charge someone for murder if they happen to killed my animal by accident. If I choose to let my dog roam around the streets knowing that it is against the law I should blame myself for any of the things that happen to the animal. It would be my own fault because I was the one that decided to let it loose with out watching over it. The owner that does this and feels so angry because others killed their pet should send themselves to jail instead of accusing someone else for something they could have prevented and that was against the law in the first place. I believe that you should not take your anger out on others who might have run over your pet because they were crossing the street or doing something that could have caused others to hit them. Pets are sometimes treated like human beings but in reality they are not and they don’t think like we do therefore if you have a pet and don’t want it to get killed you must do your part to keep it safe.
Dogs are likely to attack people, get lost, or get ran over. Those are reasons why I believe that we should have a leash law. There are many "careless" owners that let their dogs run free and possibly prey on pedestrians, because they believe their dogs won't bring any harm. But when it comes down to it, the owner is still responsible for what happens to their dog or what their dog does. In other words, If a dog gets ran over, then the owner should be held liable because the dog is their RESPONSIBILITY. I am not saying that the driver shouldn't be charged but the owner should've kept an eye on their dog. I really don't think people should go to jail because they accidentally killed a dog; Dogs are fast and most drivers won't be able to break in time. Now, if the driver did a "hit and run", then maybe they should be put in jail or recieve a heavy fine for animal cruelty. However, owners should be considerate of others and keep their dogs on leashes. I mean we have to think about children, mailmen, the disabled, and etc. I am sure you can let your dog run free in the backyard or in the frontyard with the fence closed:)
I as well think that this law is a little bit ridiculous in a way. I mean it was passed to protect people from animal attacks but come on their are some people that have tiny pets... i mean come on like what would a pet like a chihuahua do to a person even if they attack you which chances are they will not they are to small to cause extensive harm to a person... so in that aspect i think its ridiculous that all pets have to be tied up...but I have to disagree with the fact that the first person said that the pet owner should be fined or jailed for letting their pet be free...just because a dog or a cat is an animal and not a person does not mean that they should not have the right to roam freely in the streets...I have a dog myself and I would be pretty mad if someone would run it over because they were being careless...
I would like to start off by first stating that I am not really an animal lover. Animals aren't my favorite things...but why should't someone be charged for killig an animal? Espescially if it was because they were not driving carefully. We are all animals right? if someone is driving recklessly and hits you...shouldn't they be charged? Why should it be different for a differnt animal?...
But then again...because of the new law in which your dog is supposed to be on a leach, why should the person be charged. If the owner cared they wouldn't let their animals out running on the street, knowing that this can possibly happening....knowing that this is likely to happen. In a way, the owner of the animal is kinda contributing to the animals death...right?
I as a dog lover myself totally understand you...My dog does the same when people pass by,(especially black people, lol, dont kno why) she barks and grinds her teeth like if she was the shit...But anyways that of the leach law I had never heard of it, I have allways had my dog trained to be next to me at all times. So, therefore I never attached a leach to her. Anyways I do understand what you are trying to bring up, but still animals are animals and people will never take them as serious as the death of a human. It does hurt, us dog lovers alot, but society will never take it as a death in the family. I mean if the kid kills the dog then he automatically will be taken to jail with a big fat ticket because he was racing in a neighborhood, which is not permitted, so its not like he will not be punished and get away with it.
Personally, i have a two year old terrier and i love her. Susy, my yorkie, is adorable, or at least i believe so. She was given to me when she was only about three months old, therefore if something was to happen to her it will definitely affect me. On the other hand, i dont believe human beings should be punished for accidentally killing an animal but if they acted on purpose then i think they have to pay the consequences. Nobody wants to get home and find their pet dead because of some stupid kid that decided to speed around the neighborhood. I think other people should be respectful and careful about other people's properties. I dont believe the law should be passed because even though i would feel really bad if my dog died, a human being's life is more valuable than an animals'. I dont mean to sound mean, but animals reproduce very quickly and most of the times they are easily replaced, unlike human beings, if your mother was to die you cannot compare the pain that you would feel for her loss as to your dogs' loss.
My opinion is that it is a safety hazard for dogs to be running around without any kind of leash or supervision because in the end they are still animals. Therefore they don't have reasoning like humans do (even though some humans lack it too :)). i know from personal experience that even sweet family dogs can attack if put under certain situations so to protect people from getting hurt they should be kept in a backyard or something to that extent. it's also for their own good because if they are out on the streets then they are at more of a risk to get hit by a car and get attacked by another dog, stolen or god knows what else, so in an effort to protect our pets from getting hurt.
on the issue of being considered a criminal for running over a dog, thats a little harsh. i think something like a fine would be more appropiate.
It seems very absurd to arrest someone just because they killed your dog or cat. For one thing, household pets naturally have a life expectancy significantly shorter than that of humans. At best, they live only 19 years on average.
Second, it'd be quite stupid to send someone to jail just for killing an animal by accident. If it were intentional torturing/neglect/abuse/killing like you see in pounds, for example, THAT can be punished. Put if it was an accident....Even so, if you still want justice served, there IS lawsuits. I just don't think it's as big of a deal to send someone to jail over.
Okay I'm going to have to agree with my boy Arnold. If I had a pet that got run over by some speeding idiot, I would want them punished. I don't think they should be jailed, but give them a heavy fine as the punishment for the crime. I also think that pets shouldn't have to be leashed. They deserve to run around and do exercise after people keep them inside and in cages all day. The reason why people shouldn't be jailed for running over a pet is because accidents do happen and the drivers' can't help it if a pet runs into on coming traffic. Unfortunately there are a lot of dogs and cats out there that get run over everyday because they don't know any better so they just cross the street without knowing there are cars traveling at 40 mph.
The only pets that should be leashed are the ones that are dangerous like Pitbulls or Rottweilers; in which are illegal to actually own in certain states ,even less, let them roam free.
tasha i am the biggest dog person ever. i have always had a dog at some point in my life and currently have 4. 2 big ones and 2 little ones. They are all inside dogs. They also like your dogs all bark and no bite. The biggest one will just lick you to death. I can understand where your coming from because i have had many animals and know what it is like without them there anymore. whether it because of death, lost, or given away. But i dont think if someone accidently or inadvertenly runs over one of them i expect them to go to jail. Like other comments, why would we keep those people in prison. it is just a watse of money. Our taxes would rise. Jails and prisons would get more crowded then they already are. This law would actually be benefecial to me because my dogs get out all the time. Three of them just stay on the block while the other has been gone for hours. good thing he knows his way back.he gets out so much im really thinking of getting a shock collar. But even if one gets run over i cant expect the person who did to get locked up or pay a fine. All i can expect is that the person feels bad and has the decency to find me and tell what happened. I would feel worse if it was a hit and run. I am fine with a leash law or a collar law because like i said my dogs get out all the time and if someone finds them it is a phone call away. I have several timed been called for a lost dog.
I am in favor of the leash law.
But to the dogs side of defense there is a certain amount of punishment that dogs can handle before it becomes cruelty to the dogs.If i see someone hit my dogs i will be totally pissed off because my dogs are sweethearts. also if i see someone purposely kill a dog i will call animal services. There is a place for action against animal cruelty. Michael Vick's of the world go to jail. Average Joe who runs over a pet accidently feels bad but no legal punishment.
First of all, it was an accident, in which not only one person is to be blamed for. On one hand it was a crime the driver was speeding down a residential street and on the other hand, the dog should have had a leash on. The dog's death was not a crime itself, because the driver didn't deliberatly kill the dog. Personally, I don't have pets and I would not know how to deal with the death of a pet. So in mind my this whole situation just sounds like another case of road-kill. Which happends on the daily anyways.
So I was readng Arnolds comment and he stated that "We cannot be closed off to ideas and perspectives." So I tried to analyze this from his point-of view, but yeah it didn't work. For instance, i completely understand the fact that pet owner would get upset and sad over the loss of their loved one, but to go to the extreme and jail or fine a person. That does quite fit into my head, because it was their fault the dog was out in the street in the first place! If the dog was not roaming around without a leash nothing would have happened. Once aain the only crime I see here is not muder but speeding in a residential area.
I have two dogs and my dog just had puppies so now we have 7 animals in my house. and we used to have two hamsters, and bunny. Ive had a lot of my dogs die before; they've gotten lost, hit or ill. My family loves dogs and i cant remember the last time that we didn't have a single dog in my house. Ive grown up with dogs and i love them to death and consider them a part of the family, all my dogs have been indoor dog, but as much as i love them i dont think this law should pass because there are so many people that hit dogs by accident...and i know that its a life that they've just killed but we cant compare a child being hit by a car and a dog. I love my dogs to death and if someone were to hit them with a car i would be mad at them and they should get a punishment but not so much as jail.
No No No. People don't go to jail for just hitting a dog or cat, it's just the dog. Because cats aren't considered companions, like dogs. Apparently it's up to 10 years of imprisonment for killing a dog? Also, striking any living creature is a crime, and it's considered manslaughter. Why should a dog's life be any less examined than a human life? I mean, sure some dogs, as someone here pointed out, can be the sweetest thing, yet attacked when provoked, but doesn't that go for humans as well? I sure as hell know that a mother will go on a killing rampage to save their kid's life. So, I still don't see a real reason in which people who strike and kill animals, whilst speeding, should not go to jail. BTW I have no pets in my house, just a 40something yr old menopausal woman who slightly resembles a giant koala bear in that koolaid guy's outfit.
i actually hate pets and i think the leash law is needed. when it comes to dogs i take no chances. having the dog on a leash just causes us to avoid a series of unfortunate events. If a dog decides to chase me, chances are its going to get hit with a stone. Only in self defense though. if someone goes out of their way to hit a dog then they should be punished. im jamaica there are no animal rights, so i guess i have become accustomed to that. over there you dont go to jail for killin a dog. i personally think it is a waste of money to put someone in jail for something like that.
Personally I am not a fan of animals either. Especially large dogs. They make me nervous they way they run up and jump up on you. However I do believe that if one hits animal resulting in the animals death they should have to pay some type of fine. I do not believe that they should be sent to jail unless it is was something harsh such as poisoning or torturing the animal. They should pay for their actions. However owners also need to take some action by putting their pet on a lesh or keeping them in a gated area, so that they can not be harmed or others harm the animal. I believe that the laws needs to be throughly thought about by people animals have rghts and they should be upheld
I don't think most people that run over animals do it on purpose; the same goes for those that run over pedestrians. I don't think it should be a law, but if I were to hit a dog with my car I'd stop and see what I could do for him/her. The same as I would with a person. Animals' lives are just as precious as ours; it's sad though that most people don't share my opinion. However, pet owners should have a close eye on their pets. I remember last semester I was riding my bike to FIU and along the way I found the cutest beagle ever; this was on coral way, mind you. I couldn't let him wander, so I went door to door asking each homeowner if they knew to whom the dog belonged to. I actually found the owner, too. My point is animals should not be seen in such a trivial fashion. If an unleashed dog attacked me, I wouldn't blame it on the owner; in that case you have to defend yourself.
I could understand why they would implement this law because I do, personally, have six dogs and only one of them is nice to people. The others are not very nice puppies. When I have to take them out, either on a walk or out to my front yard, they have to be on a leash. My dogs do have the the habit of attacking my neighbors if they are not watched. However, if some retard killed one of my babies, I would say "lifetime in prison!" I have had instances where little middle school or high school students are walking by my house and my dogs begin to bark, and these kids start to harass my dogs and I would have to go outside and threaten them because in the end my dogs are on MY property and are not doing anything wrong. If anything were to happen, I would like it if the person who did the crime, first pay for damages, and then any other punishment depending on the circumstance.
Well, a few months ago I was walking in my neighborhood and a dog that always roamed around the neighborhood and had no leash had chased me down the block and attacked me; leaving me bruises and bite marks on my leg and even my eyebrow. Ever since then I have been pretty much a pansy around dogs and have been petrified of dog's that are unleashed. I have also been very hostile with the owners who leave their animals roaming the streets without any incentive to monitor them. If you knew your dog was at the risk of being killed wouldn't you want to prevent that from happening? It is true that the dog is still a life, and people who are racing should also have laws against racing in residential areas or areas that have the potential of causing danger to any kind of life, even that of animals. In my neighborhood, an asshole used to shoot parrots with a bb gun. There should be laws implemented from all angles of the story. Many people may not follow them, but it is better to have a valid aim at getting those people in trouble. Race car drivers, dorks who like to poison animals, it is so sad that people find that as entertaining or a hobby, even acts due to boredum. Maybe if neighborhood watches could take in affect! That could starter to end stupid acts like these. But, a hand can't clap on its own, those who have pets should put their pets on a leash and not let loose on the streets of our city.
At this moment I have a six year old black and white lab dalmation mix and just like any pet lover I can't imagine a world without him. Since to my family blacky(aka boogers), my dog,is like another person in the family we do our best to take care of him. Yet although with us he is the sweetest animal there can be, we do realize that he is an animal and therefore he can't react to strangers the same way a person would. Therefore we never let blacky loose in the streets without a leach (not to mention I don't think he would come back). We like considerate pet owners do everything in our power to keep blacky away from harm and if that means he can't be loose in the street or be near people then so be it. But instead of letting him vegetate at home we play ball with him on an average of 5 or 6 times a day with him in order for him to stay in shape and not get bored. We realize we can't always be with him to play ball but this does prevent him from getting hit by a car or biting a stranger. And on the occations that he does get out of the house a leach is always around his neck just in case. Whether or not there is a law for dogs around wearing a leach I really don't care. I, as a dog owner, want to protect my dog as well as others walking by my dog. I have already hear so many cases on the news of dogs being put to sleep because they bit someone or being hit by a car due to their owners negligence. If the law says they need a leach then do it. It's not that difficult. I consider leaving a dog loose on the streets just the same as leaving a child unattended at the mall. Maybe nothing might happen but then again you might one day find yourself grieving over the death or loss of your pet/child.
But one thing I strongly beleive in is that if a pet is killed whether it be a cat, dog, turtle, or even cricket the murderer should be punished with more than just a $5 fine. At least the owner's medical bills should be payed. But like I said the best way to prevent your pets death is to take care of them. One way would be by not letting them un loose in the streets then again that's my opion as a pet owner :)
Well another law passes that most of us consider to be ridiculous- whats new? This law kinda reminds me of the Saggy pants ordeal- there are always going to be people who support it and people who dont. I think that when deciding if you support it or not it really depends on your personal situations.
For example, 5 years ago my neighbor had asked us to watch their rabbit while they went away. So, everyday we would go in their backyard open the cage and feed this rabbit. At the time, my family had a german shepherd. One day while we were feeding the rabbit i guess our german shepherd was lonely and followed us to the neighbors. This resulted in the death of our neighbor's rabbit. At this time, I am sure our neighbors would support the dog on a leash law.
However, we now have a teacup yorkee and i would never be able to leave a leash on her. There are so many laws being passed that dont even make a difference- saggy pants, when to water and when not to water and now the leash law. Therefore, i agree with Arnold that making them pay a fine is what should be done. A law hasnt stopped people from doing what they want nor will it start now.
Animals should definitely be kept on a leash when outside. It is not only for the protection of others but for their own protection. I myself have three dogs. Charlie a beagle and basset hound mix is the sweetest dog in the world and would never hurt a soul. However, the other two, Lucy and Lola, long haired miniature daushunds are questionable. Either way, all three need to be kept on a leash when outside so no one does har to them and so they do not do harm to others. I know I would be devastated if someone ran any of my dogs over but I do not believe they should go to jail because it will ultimately be the owners fault. I agree with Adriana that depending on the situation, a fine may be more appropriate.
I have my ups and downs on this issue. I use to laugh at my friend when she came to school stating that her dog died, but now I completely understand how she feels because just recently my dog passed away. This law to me makes sense to a certain extent. I don't think someone should be put in jail for hitting your animal with a car but I do think something should be done about it. Some people sre really vlose to their pets like I was and my family and i were so torn when we found out Shaft (my dog) died. But so far as locking somone up because they hit your dog is a little bit too much. I would hate that person forever but i dont think i would want to put them in jail. Thats just my opinion
I believe you both should get tickets, the kids racing down your street for taking a life, and you for not obliging to the leash law. Jail is a little harsh, cause you can love a dog, to a certain extent. Just like you can love a goldfish until it dies, and you flush it down the toilet ,and buy a new one. Dogs can be replaced, and you can love again. Its cruel, but its my opinion. Also I would keep the dog on a leash, not just for protecting the public, but to reduce the chances of him running into the streets, and being struck by a car.
In a world dominated by interest centered humans, pets, such as dogs and cats, are our best friends, companions, and good listeners, but if someone accidently hurts or kills your pet(s), are you (the owner) not responsible for your pet's actions or whereabouts?
When I was younger, i had a pet, a big male dog (hybrid of a golden ret. and german shep.)i loved that dog, it was my best friend and the only one that understood what I felt. At times, this dog would get into mischief with the mailman or neighbors. I thought as a kid, i do not want to let go of this dog because he is my dog and I care about this dog. At school, I would think of worst case scenarios and felt that I had all this responsibilty on this one dog. Fortunately, he died healthy and old.
To get the law out of the way, the leash law should remain intact because there are irresponsible owners that let their pets loose and do not understand that these animals still have wild instincts or sometimes do not think logically or are aware(genetics) but when they do it is to their benefit. These animals may seem the nicest,cuddly aniamls alive, but one has to look over them as babies, because they are animals. Dogs and cats may give you signs of understanding but because they either want food or company. These pets are still genetically wild and have to be controlled by the owner. As for the owner, if his/ her pet wants his/her freedom, take them out to walk around the neighborhood, do his or her business, or let them outside your backyard.
Now, for an accidental kill of a pet, the person should be fined. The owner does have the half of responsibility as does the killer because what is a pet doing out of his owner's vision? If a person driving a car runs over a pet, what would the first question come into mind? why is the animal loose? Is it stray? The driver would get penalized for his driving inexperience and bad vision because with that reckless driving that pet could have been a person.
Is it a crime to accidently kill a pet? NO, but it should be justified with a fine. If you care about your pet as your own family, then it should be taken care of like one.
SOO, I understand that everyone wants to give their pets a little freedom now and then, just ket them run wild for a little bit; but that just it they're running wild. I know that many animals are trained to behave themselves and listen when their owner is around, but here now one is around. You may think your dog is the most well behaved dog in the world. However, you have to think about other people too. If your dog was provoked by someone and you weren't there your pet may do something to defend it's self. How can you on the other hand prove that the dog was just tryig to defend it's self? You can't, you weren't there.There for i think the leash law is a good one. More on topic now, I also think that no someone who hits a dog or any animal for that matter should be put in jail. Im sure that there are those deliquent kids who race around in there cars at night who could not only hit an animal but another person, however they are not the only ones who could hit the pet. Imagine driving home from a long day of work, its late and your not as alert as you should be. All of a sudden a dog runs across the road. Not only could they hit the dog but they may even injury themselves by swerving to avoid hitting the animal. In other words dont put people in jail for something that could have been prevented if the owner of the animal was abiding by an already set law, the leash law.
As a very big dog lover and having one of my own, a cocker spaniel named Oreo, I'm very big on laws pertaining to domestic animals and pets. I agree with the leash law because it protects not only the humans but the animals as well. As much as I hate to say this not all dogs are nice and friendly, some do bite. My boyfriend's little sister was walking her chiuahua when a rotweiler (mind you, with a collar but no leash) chased her and attacked her. She's ok, only a few cuts on her leg, but it is the owner's responsibility to have that dog on a leash.
As for humans hurting pets. HUGE NO-NO! I am an individual completely against animal cruelty, even if its accidental. A person that mistakenly runs over an animal should receive a massive fine. If that animal belonged to someone, they should have the right to press charges. Incarceration for mistakenly running over a pet is maybe too much but a hefty fine and/or lawsuit will do the trick. The gift of life and enjoying life is not just granted to humans but to all creatures. As far as I'm concerned, animals are breathing, living creatures too.
I agree with Dantes. The people who accidently hit pets that are roaming the streets shouldn't get put to jail nor fined. If the pet owners care about their dogs and worry that one day a car will accidently hit them in the street then they shouldn't risk their pets life by letting them roam the streets. Animals will be animals, and no in-door dog will think to themself, "No, I'm going to stay home because of the simple fact that my owner is not going to put me on a leash and I'm going to start running around and get hit by a car and die." So, it is for the owners of these pets to decide whether or not the life of their pets are worth it or not. Take your pets to the dog parks, that's what they are for, so your dog can run around and play with other dogs. As for cats, there are so many! They reproduce like rabbits. Personally I hate them, so just get another one off of the street, who cares! Follow the law, if the animal has teeth, it can bite, so no pet owner should underestimate their pets because I've been attacked by a dog whose owner said, "She's an angel, she won't ever bite you!" As i turn to leave, I feel teeth on my glutrocnemius muscle. If it wasn't a problem, the government wouldn't pass the law. Those are just my thoughts. :)
I like pets. I have a little dog and I have her as part of the family. I would suffer a lot if something happens to her as I suffered when my cat died and I had to sell my horse; but then put somebody in jail for killing you pet is too much.
Ok, there are different perspectives of the thing. First, if the pet was poisoned or something similar, yes, this is murder and the person capable of doing it could easily be capable of doing the same with a person; yes, he/she should go to jail. On the other hand, if the dog is on the streets without his owner, barking for everybody and accidentally somebody runs over him and kills him, no, the person shouldn’t go to the jail. I agree with people that say that the ones who should go to the jail are their owners because in reality they are the ones who, letting their pets out, are offering risk to people. People can be attacked, suffer a car accident and get hurt or die because of the pets on the streets. I think the matter of going to the jail or not is something that should be analyzed before an action be taken, but waste time checking whose fault was that is ridiculous when we have so much worst problems to care about.
I understand your point. My dog is 3-years-old now and if anything ever happened to her I would be shattered. If there was someone responsible for it, I would want them executed. Logically speaking though, it's not reasonable to have someone killed or arrested for accidentally killing an animal (Even though I would like it to).
Animals aren't human. They do illogical things and humans can't be held responsible for their actions.
i agree with my man dantes with what he said about the pet owners should be the ones to get punished. However i do think that the death of their pet is punishment enough. It is after all, their responsibility to make sure that it is safe and like you said if YOU don't put it on a leash, it is YOUR fault that he is dead. The fact that there are crazy speeding kids in your neighborhood should give you more incentive to put him on a leash and if one so happens to kill him i don't think that they should be punished too severely because if your dog does get hit it was most likely in the street a place that is not always very safe since cars do come speeding by. I think that if they are speeding then that could be a different story, because then it might've been prevented but still it is ultimately the owner's responsibility.
I've never had the chance to own a dog but I’m sure that if my dog were to be hit by a car it would be completely devastating. As much as I would want a law that would punish people who run over animals even accidentally, I don't think the government would agree to a law which would punish people who accidently run over dogs. This would create problems because people would then want to create laws to save cats, frogs, and other animals to help those animals from becoming road kill. Technically speaking the government has no sympathy for animals since they barely have sympathy for human-human homicides.
These are just animals. I know if I were to accidently run over an animal I would feel extremely guilty and/or responsible but I would not like to go to the slammer for running over a dog that wasn’t properly contained. Since there is a law that states a dog is suppose to be contained within an enclosed space or on a leash, its not right to have someone go to jail for hitting a dog that was not following the law. Its not like the dog gets a fine for J-walking. I would understand the fines but not jail. If your dog was on a leash and I ran it over then yea “im in trouble”. It is a vey iffy subject since I’ve never had the chance to have a pet. I am sure if I had one I would feel different bout the situation.
No matter what you do it is considered animal cruelty so what should happen to the animals killed on the highways and busy streets? Should you go to jail for that too? I mean its just a dog or its just a car now its just a frog or a possum.
Hmmmm...let's see. I personally think that if someone does hit or kill a pet, this person should pay the owner some form of money. If the animal has a chance and is still alive, then they should pay the vet bill. If the animal dies, then they should pay for "heartache and suffering" that people talk about in court. Not saying that money buys happiness, of course, but with this money, they could use it to buy another pet, or to bury their pet. People do bury their pets, right? Hmmmm, i don't know. Well, about the leash law...I do think that it's necessary to an extent, because some people are just terrified of dogs, even if the dog is the most friendliest one ever. Some people terrorize dogs for "fun" and when a dog is attacked, I believe the dog will attack back no matter how nice. In this case, the issue will be in the owners hands, and they will probably be sued or something so for that reason, i believe that the leash law is a pretty good idea.
If I kill a dog that wasn't on a leash, it wouldn't be my fault. If this law if there, it is to protect both humans and pets. If you are going to let you dog, or cat, off the leash you better train it well and always be near it whenever its taking a walk; because that way you can prevent any accidents. A dog unleashed is also a danger to little kids and cars as well. All animals have natural instincts; what if something happens and they decide to attack a little kid? Even if it is the “sweetest living thing in the world” it can harm, or even kill people. What if you are driving by at night in a dark street (btw where I live is a new zone, so there are many streets that do not have light post) and a dog tries to cross the street right where you are driving by. The driver gets scared, turns the wheel into any direction, and doesn’t hit the dog. Instead it hits a tree or a house, or even another car. Whose fault is it? Not the dog’s because it’s an animal. Not the driver because he/she didn’t want to hit the dog. It was the owner of the dog who did not it on a leash.
I am honestly not a dog or cat lover. I like dogs when they belong to somebody else, but I guess I am to selfish to love a creature that is not human...that would take a lot of my time. As to the law, I dont think its necessary. If someone does commit animal cruelty as in killing the household pet for fun, or torturing them then they should be put in jail for a time. However I do not believe that killing an animal by accident necessarily merits jail time. I think that the best solution for that would be a fine, because the act was reckless. Yes the family will be hurt because the animal was really a part of their family, but as un P.C. as this was still just an mike ramey would say...that was just my .02
The kid going to jail because he hit your dog? That sounds kind of sketchy but it all depends on the circumstance of the event.
If the dog was out of you property or out of the area where he *should* be then the owner (*cough*) is the one considered negligent. After all, you don't blame your mother for giving your iPod a trip through the rinse cycle because you left it in you back pocket (*cough*) instead of taking it out and putting it in a safe place. Regardless of what the kid was doing( if it his act was against the neighborhood "code" then he should be punished for that not for hitting your dog).
If the dog was in a place where it was clearly represented that it was you property and it was the area the dog was meant to be kept in, then the kid is at fault.
Assuming the kid is at fault, serving jail time for a dog, however is somewhat harsh because the punishment does not fit the crime. Don't take me wrong, I don't condone what he did, and he should be punished. A jail sentence however, would be condemning him to an detrimentally altered life of being considered a convict and growing up in the hostile, misery inducing atmosphere that is jail. As cruel as this sounds, a dead dog is replaceable and has no significant effect. A kid sentenced to jail because he was being himself, a child, will have detrimental effects. Who knows, he might just get out jail bitter seeking the blood of a lady who tore him away from his parents at a young age and sentenced him to live amongst *real* criminals for 10 years. Not to mention, I would rather have a serial killer inhabiting that cell spot than a prepubescent child who accidentally hit a dog one day.
Seriously, picture this scenario. A group of ex convicts sitting down in a bar talking and discussing the reasons they went to jail. When the last one of them says , "I hit a dog when I was a kid, served hard time for it." *Cue abrupt awkward silence signaled by a sharp needle scratching on a record player.* That sound ridiculous because it is ridiculous.
Pretty soon I'm going to be in jail because every day on my way home some duck has to jump in the way of the car. I haven't hit one, yet. Our jails are packed as it is, imagine then.
As sad as this is, animals don't have rights because they cannot claim them. We extend some rights to them as charity.
I also have a dog and we let him out in the backyard, but sometimes the little bugger wiggles under the fence and runs up the street, which is more or less beyond our control. We have tried countless times to block off the bottom of the fence by adding more wire or laying bricks or pieces of wood down as a blockade...but he still manages to find a way to get into the street. Dogs like to run around outside, thats a fact. Even if my dog (who i love very much) were hit by a car, I don't think jail would be an appropriate punishment for the perp. More like.. getting his liscence revoked or having to go back to driving school or something like that. If someone straight up murdered my dog, like you said you suspect someone poisoned your cat, then jailtime should be served because thats some psychopathic behavior and who knows what type of living things next-- a small child?
I personally do not care about the taxes, and costs for putting someone in jail... I also do not care about those people that say pets do not have feelings... they actually do. i have two dogs, and two cats, all four are indoor animals... and you see them when they are happy sad, sick, or just chilling. If someone were to hit your dog, they should be going to jail even if it is for a short period of time, they took away a life. that poor animal was someone's pet and they truly cared abuot thye animal. i do not know what else to say, becuase i just love my pets, and if something were to happen i do not what i would do...
I think this is a logical law, there have been many cases where big dogs attack people and sometimes, kill them. however rare this is, even the slightest risk is enough to enforce this law. no human being's life should be taken away by an animal, especially when it could have been easily prevented. as for small dogs, even a small dog can wander off into the street, which can lead to accidents, maybe even fatal ones, by drivers trying to avoid the dog. a careless driver who hits and kills a dog, should be charged for careless driving, not for killing a dog that should not have been wandering on the street. prison is out of the question, no mans life should be ruined over an animal, unless it was extreme animal cruelty, but in this case, its the owner's fault for not having the animal on a leash.
Alright, there's way too many comments for me to reference back to so my message will probably be similarly cliché responses. I briefed a few and agreed though.
To answer the question, yes, this moran deserves some sort of unholy smiting. If there is a law that punishes him for killing a defenseless living organism (versus a full-speed car no less), this kiddo deserves full judgment. More than likely, anyway... he'll end up crashing onto a wall and karma has completed full circle.
I have pets. My feeling toward them are somewhat ambivalent. I like the companionship; I dislike all the ticks and fleas I have to deal with to keep them inside. I illegally have two (...or three?) stray cats and one dog (Chow Chow mix, apparently). I used to have an Akita mix... but sadly he had escaped one night (still awaiting a phone call, unless the tag has been removed). Yeah, we let the dogs play outside the front yard for a while when we were too tired and annoyed to be with them sans leash. Both dogs never had an intention to escape, even though the Akita was big enough to reach the gate and open it.
As for support/opposition of the leash law, I find it a bit asinine, but useful in certain cases (as in the case with mailmen, which happened to us but the dogs were harmless and never bit anyone). There are several owners that are carelessly letting their dogs loose into the streets, so the good citizens are chastised as well. I think it's a good law, but why waste time to work on this and handle more serious issues (I can't think of any at the moment, but this would be at the bottom of a to-do list for me).
I agree with Dantes: the construction of this was poor and shoddy. This is a pity for an English professor, tsk tsk. *wags finger*
I'm not late.. You're all early. Procrastination for the win.
I am a realist in this issue. I have no pets and I think that If I had one it would be a dog. I love them but just to think that I will get too emotionally attached to it makes me not want to get one because eventually they'll DIE. But I digress; back to the issue of the leash lines. I think that if you have a dog capable of gravely hurting someone (pittbull, rotweiler,german shepherd, etc.) you should chain it or leash it because just because I'm walking down your front lawn doesn't mean I should be mortally attacked by a 70 lb pitbull. But a life is still a life. If a retard racing down the street makes your dog look like smashed plasticine and runs away, yes, I think that s/he should be fined or penalized in some sort of way be it monetary or whatever. I don't think that jailtime should be a form of punishment for this though.
I am a total dog love and I consider my dog to be my daughter. She means the world to me and I would be destroyed if something happened to my baby. I am one of those people that lets my dog run around in the front yard while i smoke a ciggarette. I always have to be very care full with the cars that drive through the neighborhood like if they where on a highway. I think people that drive should be more careful in the neighborhood, not only for our pets be children as well. Laws should be inforced to protect us from those that think its okay to speed i residential areas. I don't agree with the law of having to put a dog on a lease when i take her outside. She dones not run aways and i believe that she needs her space to do her business. I like for her to get out of the how and run around that way she behaves inside. Now about some one going to jail for hitting a car is rediculous to me. there are bigger problems out there and i don;t think that people should have a record for hitting a dog. There was a time when a dog justed into a street and becuase i didn't wanted to hit the dog i swerved and almost got into an accident. there are times that it is not a humans fault that the dog got hit. It is bad enough that there is not enough space in jails that our real criminals still run through our streets. In my opinion i believe that neighborhoods should have speed pums to slow down to those that don't care about speeding. That way no matter how fast you want to go you have have to slow down.
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