And it's more than just thinking about issues, it's challenging, questioning, analyzing and exploring issues. Breaking them down into pieces and examining them. Just like a business person or accountant would do with numbers, or how a biologist/chemist would do with cells/atoms and elements.
If this is your first time writing in a blog I challenge you to examine, question and analyze this idea of writing your thoughts, opinions on an internet blog as a journal. How does this make you feel? Consider the fact that you have security settings that you can manipulate and that you are being required to do this for a class rather than a decision you have made on your own. Consider its purpose and your audience. The style of writing you should adhere to.If you have had a blog in the past, your own, or for another class, then I challenge you to examine, question and analyze your experience with having a blog. Consider why you had one, how it made you feel, and how you manipulated the security settings for your own sense of security. Consider changes you may make. Consider how writing a blog may have helped or hindered your writing ability.
So this is your very first blog prompt/journal entry for the semester!! Are you excited? LOL! Probably not, but that's ok. Maybe, hopefully, eventually, you will begin to actually enjoy this process. Just remember: Always think outside the box!

1 comment:
It is quite an interesting project to sit down and analyze how by end of day one manages to utilize time the best possible way. It is surprisingly depressive, however, how, after the analysis, one actually feels that our days just passed by.. and in the mist of working, managing and accomplishing, many times one forgets to smile, or enjoy the simple things of life – like a nice cup of coffee.
This happened to me for about 8 years. Eight years just flew by me, without even knowing how, when or why. There were 8 years of many accomplishments. Career-wise I built the foundations of the successful future I’m creating for myself. Financially wise, I did things some people would only think to accomplish by 40. Educationally wise, I managed to stay in college while working full time and being a mom. Personally wise, I managed a home, a child a husband and me. So yes, I was this busy bee who knew nothing about the city I lived in, the co-workers I shared my office space with, the neighbors I had, the friends that surrounded me, the TV shows on air, the warmth of the sun, the cold drops of rain. So yes, I managed my life, by living in this box: this cube with no windows that blocked my sight to the outside. I only saw, managed and breathed what I had set my mind on to do – nothing else!
Was this happiness? Of course not! It was comfort. It was a routine that kept me organize, mind-driven and away of trouble – but didn’t make me happy.
Happiness is in oneself. But it can only be found, once we decide to be happy. How does that happen? Well, in many instances it involves tears, broken hearts, and big changes – tons of sacrifices. In my case, it meant – stop, lift your head up.. do you see the sun? do you feel its warmth touching your skin? Can you feel the wind? Can you sing to its tune? Can you breathe? In my case it meant to die, to quit my path, and change the direction of my life. It meant forgiveness and a long and deep journey to inward to analyze where I had lost track and control of my life. I had to find the day, the moment, the instant I had decided to wear this mask to become “this someone else” .. this cold bitch that isolated every signal of love in the efforts of avoiding getting hurt.
Analyzing is good. But changing is better. I am excited about this blog thing… it is my first time using it. And even thought I am busy.. probably smelling the flowers, I doubt I’ll be busy to write.. ‘cause for me, is that time of the day I spend with myself, analyzing, thinking and putting in paper how I felt, what I thought, how I lived.
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