It's the beginning of a new semester and with that comes the stress of delegating classes, studying, tests, maybe work, family, friends, personal time and fun time and trying to be successful in all areas. Have you ever really thought about how you manage everything in your life? Really thought about it; broken it down sort of thing? Maybe you don't have time to really think about how you manage your everyday life, and maybe it isn't that important to you to think about it. But if you're not thinking about how you manage your life and just going with the flow, chances are you probably don't really think about other issues.
And it's more than just thinking about issues, it's challenging, questioning, analyzing and exploring issues. Breaking them down into pieces and examining them. Just like a business person or accountant would do with numbers, or how a biologist/chemist would do with cells/atoms and elements.
If this is your first time writing in a blog I challenge you to examine, question and analyze this idea of writing your thoughts, opinions on an internet blog as a journal. How does this make you feel? Consider the fact that you have security settings that you can manipulate and that you are being required to do this for a class rather than a decision you have made on your own. Consider its purpose and your audience. The style of writing you should adhere to.If you have had a blog in the past, your own, for my class or for another class, then I challenge you to examine, question and analyze your experience with having a blog. Consider why you had one, how it made you feel, and how you manipulated the security settings for your own sense of security. Consider changes you may make. Consider how writing a blog may have helped or hindered your writing ability. Will you continue writing in the same style and tone and voice or are you going to change? Who will be your audience?
So this is your very first blog prompt/journal entry for the semester!! Are you excited? LOL! Probably not, but that's ok. Maybe, hopefully, eventually, you will begin to actually enjoy this process. Just remember: Always think outside the box!

I could say I’m excited…but actually more nervous than ever.
All I see is kids, not to insult no-one; it’s just that I feel old in this class.
I feel as if time is passing by so fast and the pace of my school career feels so far…all the other students in class are just beginning and although it has been a long time for me I’m glad to still be here.
You say there are no excuses, but sometimes there are times in life when there are those excuses out there, but you can get up again and continue and better yourself.
Those hardships in life teach to get up, and continue on a path you have traced for yourself, and see how strong you are to continue on those plans.
Hardships in life are tests to make you better; they will be good only if you learn from those mistakes.
I will stay in this class because I want to prove my self that I can, that I deserve an A.
I really need to improve, and I do want to take this challenge and have fun.
I really love to write and express my feelings, although it’s a lot hard for some people to actually understand what I’m trying to say, and hopefully I learn a lot here.
I took 1101 so long ago I can’t even remember many terms, but I’ll research…I took 1101 in ‘02…wow….
(That’s a long time ago!)
Evy R.
I'll make this short and sweet. I'm definately nervous yet excited about enbarking in a course you bluntly said is going to be very difficult, but i'm more than open to challenging myself and proving to you and myself that i can achieve and A in your class. Though i make no promises, i definately know that i'll try my best =] Toodles!
Vanessa A.
The question we are provoked with by ENC 1102 is how does blogging make us feel? In short, it makes me feel inspired. Being thrown into the depths of what could be referred to as “the golden years of college” has made me more anxious, nervous, apprehensive and concerned for my well being in this fierce new environment that is the university. Thus the pressure for being an exemplarily writer is thrown onto my shoulders as well as my peer’s, and now it seems we must make a great first impression to our teacher through blogging to the best of our ability. But there is a major difference between those who blog for fun, and those who blog because it is required: The true bloggers are the modern day reporters and Internet revolutionaries; they propose challenging ideas and topics that inform the Internet world on the happenings of the globe. Since I am required to blog, I must state that this too is just my thoughts on a subject that normally would’ve not sparked my interest, and thus would have not made me subject myself into logging in and posting my beliefs. However after starting my first ever-required blog post, I now find myself inspired, excited, and surprised to be enjoying my time here on the web, sharing my thoughts and feelings with all in this very open community, in which we all show our feelings from our own not-so-private journals. It is a surprising experience that I did not foresee, and now I seem to be restlessly awaiting the next blog prompt.
Chris F
heh.. It feels good to have posted my first blog.
How does blogging make me feel?well honestly its something new to me. I've never written a blog and I like the way it introduces technology into school work. Writing a journal is more interesting now than just opening the typical composition notebook and writing in it weekly. I like the way I can read others blogs and in a way I feel self-conscious about my writing but it pushes me to strive to become a better writer. :)
-Peggy M.
I have honestly never been the type to have a journal and when I did try it out, I would write in it for 2 days and never open it again till a year again later. It was fun to see how my thoguht process worked back in the day. You come into realization how the way you process events and emotions change as time passes by. I love writting but I just dont set it as a priority and become lazy as well with it. Now that blogging will be manatory I believe it will be a positive thing for me and I will learn a lot about myself through other opinions. I'm actually excited about this and can't wait to see where me and my class will go with this.
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