Sunday, March 9, 2008

Empty Presence Performance on 3/7/08

As I explained in class, Friday my sons band had a performance for their school's pep rally, and as you can imagine, I am extremely proud of him. I set up a youtube account for them so us parents could share with our friends and family, and I am inviting you to check them out if your interested. You can visit their page at and check them out for yourself! :)


Ruben B. said...

Those where very solid performances, much better than the scream-o that was the "Battle of the Bands" my Senior year.I wish I would've started playing at your son's age, then maybe I would be where I want to be musically now. Anyway, Rock on! *makes obligatory Gene Simmons Face*

PS: Is that you screaming at the beginning of every video? If so I bet half the auditorium can hear you. LoL.

Why do I have this? said...

lmaoo ruben

nice solid performances... i like the influences... but your kids chose everyone that's anyone in the last 30 some odd years lol.

btw... i looked over all my blogs... and i saw you commented on almost every single one... OBSESSED!

Why do I have this? said...

lol nah just kidding love ya

Jackie said...

Incredible!!! Your kids Rock! U should be realy proud.
Really enjoyed their performance. :)