Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog Prompt #2: Limitations?? What Limitations, I don't have any Limitations!

When is too much PDA too much? Or is that even a valid question? If you don't like it turn away, right? Or is there a line of disrespect that can be crossed? And if there is a line should there be a governing policy on that? Gay or Lesbian PDA may seem disrespecful to some. But who determines what is disrespectful or "immoral" and for that matter how can you legislate morality?

Seems like everywhere you turn now-a-days, someone is coming up with a new rule about something. Is there a fear that the new generations may become to "loose" or "free" like the generation of the 60's? Think about the 60's and you may simply think of drugs and sex, but there was a lot more going on. Freedoms. The freedom to think, choose, work, was a breaking of the shackles that had been holding a society in a grip because society supposedly didn't know what was best for itself.

This weekend I had the chance to finally see the "Golden Compass", and at some point in the movie my husband turned to me and asked me, "What is this movie about?" I looked at him and laughed and said, "It's all about the man behind the curtain. "

I'm sure many of you have heard that saying. Some of you may picture the Wizard of Oz curtain that hides the puny little old man who is "in control" of everyone, the "all powerful", the "all knowledged." But have you ever really stopped to think about the "man" and who that "man" really is? Do you believe that there is a "man behind the curtain" telling you what you should or shouldn't think, how you should or shouldn't dress, how to act or not act? Or do you believe that you govern yourself, and your thoughts? Are you allowed to think freely? Or do you just think you do? And if there really is a "man" behind the curtain, who is that "man", or is it really a man?

I stumbled upon this video and found it, quiet interesting, needless to say.

It never seizes to amaze me the lengths we will go to.........well you determine for yourself.....just watch.

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