Monday, September 24, 2007
Carlos Mencia
I've watched Carlos before and to me he was never that interesting and personally I feel he is overrated. Maybe it's his type of humor, but I don't find his direct comedy appealing and I feel its a bit vulgar. Its just the way he comments on handicaps, sterotypes, and how stupid everybody is. At first I just saw it as a different perspective, because for example how he jokes how we should treat the mentally handicap like everyone else because by treating them with gloves we are in fact hurting them. And yes, that made me think, but his other standups about stereotypes, just seem old. I just don't like him. Period.
The truth
I thought that carlos mencia was pretty funny, I mean some of the jokes that he says are pretty offending but are largely funny. And I think that he just seems offensive since the things he says are the topics that everyone dare not talk about. Many of the jokes nowadays are usually related with racial issues and racial stereotypes. In addition the carlos mencia is a comedian and that is why he says the things he says. I think that Carlos Mencia is plainly funny and if anything he is helping the issue of racism. Many people who find what he say offensive are just avoiding the topic of racism. It is good that we hear the stereotypes of other races and ethnicities so that we become use to them and eventually not seem dumbfounded and offended. We must realize that the stereotypes of our races and ethnicities are somewhat true. Lastly, Carlos Mencia isn't really out to get every other race since he too offends his own race not only other races. Lets face it, he is a comedian and his job is to be funny even if it means offending others.
BLog #4
The first thing i want tosay is wow! I dont want to voice my opinion on what he say really because he is stating his opinion so i wont say if he wrong or right but some of the topics thst he adressed i do agree with like the standards of education being lowered with the sddition od plus and minuses. This allow for students to have a chance to have a lower grade but still recieved the weight of the standard grade. Other things he spoke i felt like those are topics not to be made jokes because everyone handles ther children different. With my opinon im not saying he is not funny because the way he tell his jokes is vgery hard hitting and can instantly be funny. I found it something very interesting to watch.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Carlos Mencia
Besides being funny, the things addressed really make you realize how caught up the world is in being "politically correct." I think it is exactly those people who Mencia is addressing.
Mencia makes fun of people's offense to stereotypes. We all are taught that stereotyping is wrong, but we have to realize that they have been based in some truth. For example, when he says that people get offended if one assumes their customs based on their culture. I think that is truly ridiculous.
Its like everyone wants to be treated equally, but in the same breath, they want special accommodations.
When Carlos Mencia talks about learning disabilities I thought that besides his brutality (which is there for comedic reasons) his point are not so crazy. I understand that people can have learning disabilities but if they are given exception after exception how are we supposed to expect them to grow and push themselves to achieve. I guess it is difficult to know where to draw the line; when should people be forced to conform and when should their circumstances be given special consideration.
Mencia makes fun of people's offense to stereotypes. We all are taught that stereotyping is wrong, but we have to realize that they have been based in some truth. For example, when he says that people get offended if one assumes their customs based on their culture. I think that is truly ridiculous.
Its like everyone wants to be treated equally, but in the same breath, they want special accommodations.
When Carlos Mencia talks about learning disabilities I thought that besides his brutality (which is there for comedic reasons) his point are not so crazy. I understand that people can have learning disabilities but if they are given exception after exception how are we supposed to expect them to grow and push themselves to achieve. I guess it is difficult to know where to draw the line; when should people be forced to conform and when should their circumstances be given special consideration.
Friday, September 21, 2007
ENC 1101 & 1102 Blog Prompt #4
Watch Carlos Mencia's stand up and his take on "American" issues regarding race, education and parenting. Post your blog about what he is saying, who he's addressing, is he successful, is he right, do you agree, disagree, are you offended or l.y.a.o.?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
what the hell?!?!
what was that incident really about? throughout the videoclip i didnt see or hear Andrew resisting when the police officers held him down? actually he was quite calm. i'm actually a bit shaken up from what i just saw. officers of law tasered a person for no apparent reason and the students looked on like some asses. it makes me wonder what more police officers are really capable of doing other than using force on someone for simply saying that he is not gong to resist arrest. and the screams of the woman in the background in addition to andrew's screams just showed me how painful and grotesque the situation must ahve really been. i feel really bad for andrew and i'm sorry that happened to him. the funny thing is, i'm not from the united states, i'm only here to study so it really makes me wonder about whether being here was a good decision at all. maybe i should have just stayed in my country and pursued my education there! sad to say but it's true...
UF Student Arrested

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
ENC 1101 Blog Prompt #3: Media in Politics.
After watching the video on Miss Teen S.C. a student posted on their blog that we are considered the "idiot nation" and all we care about is Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears in the news. How much does the media influence us? Do you think it influences you? How much do the visual communications we are bombarded with on a daily basis influence our decicions and our behaviors? Hmmm, post your thoughts on these questions and the video.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
ENC 1102 Blog Entry #3 Prompt

Discuss your thoughts on the movie 'Dark Days'. Post a comment on one of your peers blog pages in response to their thoughts about the movie.
My 9:30 am ENC 1102 class brought up the fact that everyone in this country has the same opportunities and if you don't take them it's on you. My 3:30pm ENC 1102 class brought up the issue of the US taking care of it's own people before looking out for everyone else. How does this movie support your thoughts or perhaps made you reflect differently?
Monday, September 10, 2007
miss teen USA
this is my first blog. i hope i'm doing this right! lol so yeah, i did watch the video and i felt bad for this girl because everyone is going to remember her because of that for the rest of her life!! that must've been the dumbest response someone could have given for that question but being that she graduated high school with a 3.5 gpa and and the fact that she was being watched in national television, she probably was just nervous!! still, i couldn't help but laugh the whole time!! lol :) |
"personally i believe"-- no you don't!!
"personally, i believe" that when you put someone under so much pressure to answer a dumb question like why some people can't read maps, you're bound to mess up. It just so happens to be that she was thinking way too much, and trying to hard. I think its like when you're speaking with a really scholarly person, and you try and make every other word a really big SAT word, and you end up not knowing what you're talking about and sounding like an idiot... Thats what it sounds like to me. She was just nervous.. and if you notice, the further into her answer she got, the less she knew what she was talking about. She answered the question alot better on the today show, now that she was able to practice it 12 million times in her dressing room. I do believe that she was waiting for a question like, what is the most important world value to you? then she would predictably answer "world peace", followed by the fanning of the face and those oh so famous crocodile tears.
I think it would have been better if she was like hmmm.. and thought of what to say.. rather than just start blurting words.. But either way, it takes alot of "courage" for lack of a better word to stand up in front of billions of people who are all criticizing you as a dumb blonde with a pretty face. And anyone who hasn't seen Ms. Congeniality still thinks of them as dumb blondes. So i still give her props but hey, you'd never find me up there talking about americans don't have maps. =D
I think it would have been better if she was like hmmm.. and thought of what to say.. rather than just start blurting words.. But either way, it takes alot of "courage" for lack of a better word to stand up in front of billions of people who are all criticizing you as a dumb blonde with a pretty face. And anyone who hasn't seen Ms. Congeniality still thinks of them as dumb blondes. So i still give her props but hey, you'd never find me up there talking about americans don't have maps. =D
Miss Teen USA
Wow, that was hilarious! Her incohesiveness in answering the question was really funny. The fact that she won 3rd runner up just proves that this was indeed a beauty contest, and you really don't have to be intellectual to score well on this event; rather, you simply have to be beautiful. Yes, she is very pretty, and that can not be denied. Regarding the way she defended herself, yes, maybe she did go blank at the moment, but even her 2nd response during the interview wasn't very elaborate.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Miss Teen USA
Wow. Just...Wow. I mean, that first sentence alone! "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because uh...some people out there in our nation don't have maps..." I had to stop and rewind the video a few times just to make sure I heard her right. That interview was obviously coached. She kept repeating the same things over and over again. I can't imagine anyone would believe that those are her actual words coming out of her mouth.
First Blog
Eh...To be honest, I probably would have never started a blog if it weren't for the class. I'm the kind of person who likes his personal thoughts to stay that way. I don't really know what kind of things someone's supposed to post on a blog, so I'm glad that we've got topics.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Miss Teen USA
Well that was very mechanical. I was part of the Miss Dominican Republic pagent training and I do not think that from a pagent point of view she did anything wrong now from a viewers prespective my question is how on earth did she make it as 3rd runner up? That mistake was enough to make her at the bottom 20. I have to give her a credit though for trying to amend her mistake by going on national television and confronting her reality. Though using natinonal televsion as a method for publicizing herself might has come off as a bit pushy and commercial. Then again this is the Beauty Industry anything to make it on top!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My girlfriend, her roommate, and I literally watched her clip about ten times over the weekend and had more laughs than most people have in a year! No joke! The fact that she actually finished fourth is appalling. Who were the judges? Her parents? I wonder what her talent was? Maybe string five or six coherent words together at once? Or maybe receiting the alphabet. The fact that she finished fourth just proves what we all already knew: IT IS A BEAUTY CONTEST!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina on Today show
Many of you have seen the embarrassing moment for Miss South Carolina. Now watch as she defends herself. What do you think? Post your remarks on your blog.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My First Blog
Hi! My name is Javier Valdes, and this is my first blog. I have never before posted a blog. and it is quite an exhilarating feeling. It is very exciting. I have a MySpace account; however, this is a rather different experience. I can share my work here with fellow colleagues, and we can all share our intellectual abilities here. Having a blog is like a river: you drop something in and let it follow its course. Here, one can drop in their knowledge and get feedback from one's peers.
Having A Blog
This is my first time having a blog. I have no strong feelings about having a blog. I am content with it, neither happy or mad. I will use this to express my feelings about other issues. I guess this blog will allow me to give other viewers a peice of my mind on various topics. When I think of the word "blog", unorganized information comes to mind. As if I am to use the blog to disperse all of my thought with no destination. I guess having a blog will be allright.
Monday, September 3, 2007
First Blog..
So this is the first blog. Honestly, this is kind of exciting for me. I have a livejournal, and i love writing on it. If you don't know what it is, its the same as this, just different. =] I usually write when i've had a bad day or have something exciting happen in my life, but mostly just to follow up with old friends. This could be fun, its a first for anything school related, for me at least.. and I think its a pretty cool idea. Props. I do think its funny though, everyone is talking about how internet is taking over jobs and such, well.. now you can actually conduct parts of a class online. But yea, thats about it. Looking forward to this, not so much the rhetorical essays =]
First of a few!!
Well, just as for others at our class, this is my first "blog". I have never had a journal or anything of that source as well. I am not really too pleased with this blog idea, but it is a requirement for our class, meaning, we'll have to do it anyways. I certainly hope that the topics get more interesting as the days pass by. Having the same old "what did you do during the weekend" will definitely be boring. Thanks for anyone that read this. I will try to make my "blog" as pleasant as it can be for everyone.
frist blog
Well I really still dont see the point of having these blogs but I need the credit. I have never done a blog or had a journal or anything to write my thoughts down so this is new for me. Since it is my first blog i dont know what to put down other than i dont understand yet. The only part i understand so far is that we have to do these posts. Hopefully by the end of the semester i see the point of the blog cause so far i feel like its just wasting my time jaja.
My First Blog! :-/
I have to say that I really don't see what is so amusing about these blog things.I still haven't been able to figure out how to use this. For now, I really don't feel very happy about having this blog :-(. Hopefully I'll get used to it, and learn how to use it soon! That way you guys will have something a little more interesting to see and read. So much time I've been avoiding this and I've finally been forced to use it... Oh well... it had to happen sometime, right?...
Sunday, September 2, 2007
what is blog?
Its my first time writing on a blog. and i still dont know what blog is so i googled it. "A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people."
i just got home from work. I tried to log into blackboard but had no luck. I clicked on forgot my password this morning and didnt havent gotten my password yet. i hope everyone have a safe Labor Day.
i just got home from work. I tried to log into blackboard but had no luck. I clicked on forgot my password this morning and didnt havent gotten my password yet. i hope everyone have a safe Labor Day.
My first blog
Well... I've never actually had a blog before. I always used to hear my friends talk about their blogs online, and honestly, I never really understood what a blog was. But now I know, because I have my very own! So, it's awesome that now I have a blog and I get to post up opinions and discussions. Hmm... thank you Natasha for inspiring me (actually requiring me) to create my own blog. =) |
Hmmm...My Thoughts of Creating A Blog...I've never done this before...and (as a matter of fact) I'm not even sure if I'm doing this correctly. It absolutely blows me away...the fact that technology is taking every direction. I'm not too excited about the idea of having to post my thoughts here...for everyone to see. I'm not thrilled about all. I shouldn't let such little things stress me out...but boy, this whole blogger thing is getting to me. Everytime I try to log in...It tells me that it's incorrect...!! I try to post my picture on "my page"...but I can't...!! I'm trying to remember and do the things Natasha said to do (i.e. write a response to whatever she posts...change the settings...this...that...and everything in between)...but it just isn't coming out quite right...!! Bottom line is, I don't like this at all. Maybe it'll be easier and will seem simpler as I get used to it, but...this is really getting up under my skin. This...and everything else related to it...Is making me think....Is it too late for a refund...??!!??!!??!!
1st blog! woo!
well, this is my first blog...its amazing how assignments change! before we just had to write papers and turn them in in our English have to do that and also create a blog and use web ct! I like it! sadly I am not that great with computers, but I'll get better! anyways...this is an interesting, original, and nice way to share our thoughts and tell what we want to tell to the world! It took me a while and some help in order to sort a figure out how to edit my profile and post a blog on here, but it was worth the process of learning how to use it! this website seems nice and original! well, I think this is a fun experience and hopefully we will all learn how to use it! well, take care! chaoo!
Hubert is my name. This is my first blog entry ever. I guess this will be the place where i will write and record what is currently on my mind. That is challenging thought, considering that generally keep things to myself. however, i suppose that putting what im thinking into text and words, will better help me express my thoughts. it is still going to be a challenge this is a public venue. I'm really not sure what bloggers actually write in their blogs, I have never, myself, even read anyone's blog. Social Internet sites such as myspace, facebook, or blog forums have never been of any appeal to me. i will have to go into this new experiment with an open mind.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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