Discuss your thoughts on the movie 'Dark Days'. Post a comment on one of your peers blog pages in response to their thoughts about the movie.
My 9:30 am ENC 1102 class brought up the fact that everyone in this country has the same opportunities and if you don't take them it's on you. My 3:30pm ENC 1102 class brought up the issue of the US taking care of it's own people before looking out for everyone else. How does this movie support your thoughts or perhaps made you reflect differently?
Many people argue that the homeless live the way that they do because they failed to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to all Americans. Although I see the logic in that idea, I have to disagree. I think that is definitely the case with many homeless people, but I also think that a generalized statement like that fails to take into account the individual situations of all those people. Just think about it...living on the streets is a lot of peoples worse nightmare. What has to happen in your life that you end up like that? I grew up in a huge, supportive and loving family, but that is not the case for a lot of people. Imagine growing up in a home where abuse, drug use, and alchoholism are prevalent. If one's own parents don't care whether they succeed or not, why would they? I realize that a lot of people grow up in similar environments only to overcome their hardships and make it in the world. I think those are extraordinary cases. If you grow up in a poor neighborhood, with a poor family, that's all you know. I've always thought that school is the best way out of all of that, but if you grow up in an environment where neither your parents nor your peers care about school and intellectual advancement, why will you? I don't know....maybe my logic is faulty. All I'm saying is that I can understand why some people end up on the streets while others don't. I was really into the movie Dark Days because they talked about the different circumstances that led them down that road. Drugs, abuse, alcoholism, loss, severe depression...those are all things that I've never experienced in my family. The look on some of their faces kind of said it all. Some of them looked like they had given up on living (here I make a distinction between "living" and "surviving.") a long time ago. It angered me that the city ordered them to leave the tunnel. Why?!?! Who were they hurting? They were completely removed from normal society, which is exactly what most people want the homeless to do anyway. Even though conditions down there are dirty and unhealthy, it appeared to me that they knew how to handle it. They were just doing what they had to do to survive, just like everyone else. People can try to avoid the homeless problem, or just chalk it up to "laziness," but it will never go away.
props. I didn't realize how the movie was connected to the discussion we had the other day. It made me thnk but still, each character in the movie had a role. Each one had a story, or their own baggage. From what i can remember, and i really hope we can finish the movie, everyone of them could've taken a different path. Like the crack head (i have the worst memory) he said his wife helped him, he had a life, and she got sick of it and told him the drugs or me. He could've helped it, but everyone is different. I don't know, something just clicked and its made me think about something that affects me, strongly.. and hasn't really ever come up in my mind. I'll post about it now that you can actually see my blog.
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