Andrew Meyer is the talk of the nation! Freedom of speech, police brutality, inciting a riot, overdramatic prankster looking for some air time, hoax, everyone has their opinion on this issue. Was Meyer's rights infringed? Or did he cross a line; was he
resisting arrest or was he resisting being escorted? Was he asking real questions or rhetorical ones? What was he trying to prove? Obnoxious and arrogant is what some are calling him as he alleges voter freud and membership to the Skulls and Bones fraternity. An obvious
political protest, but was this reason for forceful escorting? Did Kerry's secret service qualify him as a threat? After the 911 incidents security has definitely taken a new heightened measure and as Miamians we see what one man on an automatic rampage is capable of doing. So how do those that protect and serve determine who is a threat and who is not? If it had been a woman at the microphone would the situation have been handled differently? Videos are all over the internet from students who were there giving viewers the ability to see everything from beginning to end, including the screams of a young lady as Meyer is being tased, but the news media provides their audience with an edited version, be it because of air time or not, they have their own slant and political view to provide their audience with. Analyzing the footage that the news media give to viewers are they making Meyers out to look like the victim and the cops as the evil doers who do no good? Whatever the answers are, everyone has their opinion on the matter and I would like to hear yours. Click on the hyperlinks to read two opposing opinions, leave me comments and tell me what you think.
I honestly think its messed up what the cops did. It really doesn't surprise me that they did violate a citizens right and a young ciizen at that. Not much on the news these days really surprises me anymore and thats a scary thought to think that nothing seems out of the ordinary anymore. OJ back on trial, britney going through more custody battles and drug abusing, cops getting shot and killed in cutler ridge "the hood" lol, cops tasering students. I've been a victim of polie brutality before and unfortunately there was no camera to take footage of what happened so what happened.....absolutely nothing. So hopefullythis time those officers get whats coming to them.
This entire incident is fucking ridiculous.
After watching the video, I can't believe how the cops reacted. It was a fucking QUESTION.
I think all the "excuses" that have been coming up are all a bunch of bullshit that some idiot concocted to make the police look like they were doing something right for once.
Andrew Meyer deserved none of what he got. I don't even see it as him pulling a prank or being obnoxious and arrogant. He's nothing but a regular college kid asking a question.
I think it gets me so heated because now we're all in college. We recognize our own "college kid" behavior. Because of that, it is so clear to us, in particular, that the kid is harmless.
Fuck the po-pos, yo. At least in this case.
Wow i cant believe the police tasered the student. I believe way too much force was being demonstrated by the police and it’s kinda of scary of what the police is capable of doing for no apparent reason. The police never gave any reasons as to why they were treating the student like that and I think that is absurd. The police should not be allowed to treat a person any way they choose for no reason and expect the person to jus go along with it and be fine and not question the actions. Of course the student is going to seem like he is pulling away from the police but it’s only because he is in shock and can’t understand why they are treating him like that. I don’t believe he is trying to be disrespectful in any way. I feel really bad for the student since he had to go through that whole ordeal. I believe the whole situation is very unfortunate and I hope legal action is taken against the police and they suffer consequences for their actions and are not just allowed to treat people in that manner with the excuse of they were trying to uphold the law. No law was being broken!!
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