Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ahhh Responsibility...

Such a big and daunting word when you are so young and perhaps flying on your own for the first time, unsure of what to make of all the freedom and liberties to actually make choices and not have to suffer consequences. Well, not really I guess. As some of my students learned today. A textbook. A textbook that is part of their learning process, something that is told to them from the first day of class, is a part of the class and must be brought to class, seems too much of a responsibility to handle. Or how about doing blogs on time? I wonder if they know that it has a time on it that says when it is posted? Well, regardless, when I check anytime after 12am Tuesday, if the entry is not there, they don't get a grade. Or how about not reading when a reading is supposed to be done? Hmmm, some learned that lesson, right? Ok, so maybe this is my chance to use this thing and vent, 75% of you won't even notice it because the only time you check on my blog is Monday night sometime after 6pm to read the prompt you need to do before midnight. But to the 25% of you who do read, well, let's just say that there are times when I get to be dissappointed, and it sucks.
Responsibility is something I teach my kids on a daily basis, it isn't something I should feel compelled to teach a bunch of college students. You all made a choice to be here, I doubt anyone put a gun to your head and forced you, and that said you all make the choice to do your hw, do your essays, do your blogs, etc. Whether you choose to do a good job is yet another choice. And perhaps since the decision to go to college is a choice, you don't see it as an obligation to yourself. But you should. Getting an education is your personal responsibility to yourself, and if you choose not to take it seriously than don't waste my time or your peers or your own for that matter.
Writing is a task that you will be required to do for many of your classes as you go on with your undergrad work and most likely when you enter the workforce of your profession. If you don't learn how to write an essay the way it should be written, don't expect to pass too many classes. But most importantly, you need to learn to think for yourselves, speak with conviction, think about life and the world around you critically, outside the box. If you can accomplish this then you can write critically, and that is the most important way to write.
I sign off with a quote, a thinking quote,

Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. ~John F. Kennedy


Koschan said...

Wow...I dun even know how to answer to the blog lol. I'm completely in shock that people only go to blogger just to do the blog assignment, also the fact that people are irresponsible enough to not bring their books to class....come on thats common sense! If it says is required then IS REQUIRED. If people dun want to go to class then don't go...I think that by now people are MATURE enough to make their own choices. This is College for God's Sake!

Anyways my parents showed me how to be responsible and they have always told me that the only thing they will leave behind when they pass away is the education they had provided me with and I believe that is the most important thing in a person's life to succeed.

BTW I am proud to be one of the 25% of the people that check Blogger at least once a day XDDD YAY!

Tasha said...

Glad to hear it Andreina!

Rebecca said...

Well i understand in a way what your going through. One of my very close friends is a middle school teacher and at least once i day i get a call from her and the first thing she says s " i dont freaking understand what these kids think of life."
Truly i think most kids snap out of it once theyve failed a couple classes and lost a couple grand, but then again i might be wrong.
All i can say is dont expect much from kids whos own parents dont expect anything of them.


Anonymous said...

Well I completely agree with you. I was just talking to my mother the other day and I was telling her how I just couldn't believe that 97 students out of my 170 student Nutrition class failed the Midterm exam. I was shocked not because of the the number of students who failed the test, but for the number of students who refused to study for the exam. An exam which they practically PAID to take. An exam that is part of a class they made a CHOICE to take. Hence, I sometimes wonder how people can be so irresponsible as to spend their time and money and not get the best out of it. I agree with your opinion on this subject matter, and I must sadly admit I sometimes do enjoy the comfort of opinion so I won't have to go through the trouble of BUILDING MY OWN and supporting it. So...thank you, for writing a blog entry that made me truly think.

_||_|/-\|\|C|-|O said...

Unfortunately, I'm part of that 75% of the students that don't use BLOGGER how it's supposed to be.
It's not because i don't want to or because I'm lazy, no, it just happens that I'm always so busy doing homeworks or reports for others classes that I forget that I own a blogg.
When I remember about the blogg,it's too late to do it.
I'm really sorry about that, and from now on, I'm commiting myself to check this blogg at least once every other day.
And I understand your disappoinment and once again I'm really sorry.