Monday, October 1, 2007

For Shits and Giggles...well, not really

I found this video on one of my students pages and I thought it was fantastic. So I am sharing it with the rest of you, however, this is not a journal prompt. Please know that I have raised the bar on your entries. The purpose of this "journalling" activity is to spur those little brain cells and get you all thinking. Perhaps this is a new concept for some of you but I have full confidence that you are all capable of succeeding in this genre. Think outside the box, inside the box, under the box and on top of the box. Remember that I am only providing you with a "prompt" to guide you into thought. Now, you may have noticed that the word prompt is underlined and perhaps that will spark your curiosity to click on it. If it does, and it should, you can read the definition of this word as a verb to clarify any misunderstandings. :)


Tasha said...

Man that was cool....right? <---Wow did this guy just say a piece of my mind. He just spoke about yet another sad thing that our generation has come to, and I love how he presented it. "We have lost our conviction, havn't we?" Yea, I know i'm guilty of doing that. Making a declarative sentence turn out into a question. Buts its true, not only are we adding "likes" and and crap into the way we speak, it seems our vocabulary has just degenerated into half ass sentences. The way his tone is, inquisitive, goes with exactly with what he's flowing. I love def poetry...


Tasha said...

firstly, i really don't get the joke in his whole comedy act, so i really don't know what everyone was laughing about. can anyone please clue me in about what was so funny please? why are most stand up comedies so stupid? i watch some most times byt at least those are really very funny. this guy comes on stage and starts talking about absolute crap. but whatever.


Why do I have this? said...

its not a comedy act... he's criticizing the youth of today for seeking comfort in trying to not sound smart