Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And the age old argument is reignited on the sandy beaches of Miami!!!


Without a doubt you have all heard the latest scandal regarding Father Alberto Cutie (I find his last name to be pretty cute myself).  But in case you haven't, allow me to fill you in on the juicy gossip, otherwise known as background information.  

Padre Alberto, as he is referred to by the Latino community, is a well known, popular, and loved catholic priest.  He is known as father "Oprah" for his relationship advice, has hosted shows on Telemundo and is a syndicated spanish language columnist and author.  

So he seems important right?  If he has something to say people must be listening to him if he has these shows and columns.  Seems credible right?  I mean, just look at him!

So if this guy, this "Father", is caught cavorting with a female on the beach, a female he has reportedly admitted to having a sexua relationship with for over a year (although they have known each other for 10), even though he has taken a vow of celibacy and obedience as all Diocesan priests must do when they commit to God, ITS OK, because he is popular, and we love him and he has credibility.  RIGHT???

So all priests have to do is get on tv and write a book or a column, and their good to go....messing around.  So yes, we must support him unconditionally. (I wonder if the same would be said if he was cavorting with a man?)

Well it's better than him messing with little boys! Hmmm...now that's logical, right? Of course I would rather have the priests fooling around with women than little boys.  And while we're on that line, it's better that they fool around with the altar girls instead of the altar boys too.   

Well they need to change that stupid rule anyways!  We're in the 21st century!  Men have only recently begun to get in touch with their sexual needs.  Why would they have ever desired a woman in the past?

And he's so handsome anyways...what a waste that would be if he wasn't with a woman. 

Ahhhhh.....the arguments people make.  You think I'm making up these arguments?  See for yourself: 

All have sinned and come short of God’s glory,he is no exception.We all need to pray for this man, a natural man with sexual feelings.The catholic church should be happy that this time they aren’t paying out money to some little boy and his family.

I admire Father Alberto for all of the good that he has done for our community and I will support him unconditionaly. El que sea libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra.

If Father Alberto had done this with another man, nothing would have been done….The USA is not a DICTATORSHIP-unlike the Vatican. Father Alberto did nothing wrong….the vows are wrong!

This last remark (all of which I copied and pasted from Bitten and Bound) leaves me wondering....Didn't the famous Padre Alberto read the vows before he took his oath of celibacy?  Maybe not...maybe he thought he was above them....or maybe he's just like every other man....hmmm, but.......well, I'll let you work it out a bit more.  Can you make a strong argument for Padre Alberto's risque behavior????


1 comment:

Zee said...

Of course, this is a topic that could be very much complicated for many reasons, but the only thing I have to say about the issue is this:

Working for the Church is like working for any other institution. There are certain rules to be followed, whether they are written down in a contract or a bible, or simply and vocally stated. Be it that Cutie has broken this rule, he has broken a promise that he made when he joined the Church and should therefore take up the consequences of his actions.

I do however, do not agree with the publicity or the criticism this issue has received. Is what he has done of the same caliber as something like, per se, molesting a child or using religion for political and biased influence?

Like other institutions that have existed for a long time, maybe it is time for the Catholic Church to evolve its practice and make some changes to the way they handle things? As with monetary, political and governmental systems, changes have to be made as time progresses given that people change for many reasons. What if religions were still "Orthodox"? What kind of implications could that have towards the way that modern society functions?

We also need to evaluate the reasons for celibacy within the Catholic Church. The Church, being an institution, has a system of money it has to worry about. Not marrying their priests and nuns out would protect this money and property that the Church holds. Is this something that should still continue? Why is the Church being valued as a system that is to hold as much economic power and influence as governmental systems? Is this what is held as the basis and reason for religion?

In any case, Cutie having violated the terms of his 'contract' makes him responsible for the consequences of his actions. I do, however, believe that maybe this is a call to change to evaluate the way things operate within and out of the Catholic Church.