Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Rate My Professor
For the most part, my students tend to think I am difficult (a.k.a no slacker zone), and challenging. Perfectly ok with me and I agree; I am not easy, I have high expectations, and I love to challenge everyone that is in my life. Some students have commented on "circle" sitting, finding it childish, and that's fine, but as I explain to my students on the first day, it is an active learning workshop class. The circle is not something I am going to change as long as there is room to do it. Some students have complained that I give too much work/homework, however come to the realization, for the most part anyways, that it is not all "busy" work and actually has a purpose in the final scheme of things.
Sunday morning I finished inputting Fall 2007 grades. So yesterday I was curious to see if anyone would post up new comments after knowing their final grade. Sure enough, there were.
It became apparent to me very quickly that one student in particular who chose to write about me in a very derogatory manner, did not quiet learn much in my class this semester, and it saddens me. The final essay in 1101 is the Argument Essay, and one essential component that I teach my students is that they should never attack their opponent's character, a fallacy otherwise known as Ad Hominem. Another strategy that should not be uses in an argument is Non Sequitur, a fallacy that occurs when there is no evident connection between the claim and its reason. Fallacious remarks weaken an argument and lead to unsound conclusions.
The students claim is obvious from the beginning: Natasha is not a good teacher; don't take her. This is all captured in the first line without even having to state the claim. This is a good rhetorical technique. The writer claims: "She is very unorganized so prepare to get emails from her at the last minute."
My rebuttal: Yes it is true that I send many "last minute" emails. Many of these emails are last minute "reminders". Some of my colleagues would call this "babying" the students. I call it, a courtesy call. There are other purposes to last minute emails other than reminders though, such as asking the students to print out a reading that I just posted and I will explain my reasoning for this. I walk into a class meeting with certain tasks/goals that need to be accomplished, however, more often than not, class interaction or discussion changes the order of tasks that get accomplished. This in turn forces me to change my plans perhaps for the next class meeting. This does not bother me, but at times it requires last minute emails to the students to bring something else in for the next class meeting. I, however, understand that not all my students may receive or read that last minute email, even though I tell them on the first day of class to check their emails everyday and right before they come to class, because who knows, I may be cancelling class and you don't want to drive all the way to FIU to find out that had you checked your email before class, like I had told you, you wouldn't have wasted your time or gas and could have made other plans or slept in, sooooo, I bring in extra copies of whatever printout or reading I had asked for in that last minute email. Mind you, I never give "last minute" work. HW is laid out for every unit from the beginning of the unit and my students know what to do for the next few weeks as we get through the unit.
The writer then says: "she thinks that shes helpful but in fact she spends all her time helping one person and forget about the others so suck up to her." (exactly as it was written with spelling and grammar errors and all.) No where in my job description does it say that I need to be “helpful”. I help those who want help, who ask to be helped, or need help. My job is to teach, whether a student wants to learn or not, is up to them. Do I build stronger teacher/student relationships with some more than others, yes. No denying that, but it has nothing to do with sucking up, it has to do with the student reaching out to me when they need help. If the writer considers paying attention, listening, engaging in discussion, asking questions, completing assignments and putting forth maximum effort, as sucking up……then by all means SUCK UP!
Finally, the writer finishes off their claim to steer other students away from my class by stating: “by the way she is not pretty at all her body might be fit but her face is busted and you can totally tell that her **** are fake.”
Let me just let that sit there on it’s own for a bit.
“by the way she is not pretty at all her body might be fit but her face is busted and you can totally tell that her **** are fake.”
Classic example of the Non Sequitur fallacy.
WHAT THE HELL DO MY LOOKS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY I TEACH?????? And what the hell do my breasts have anything to do with it as well????
Perhaps it made the writer feel better to attack my physical appearance, and I suppose I should thank them for the compliment on my “fit body”. Perhaps the writer had based their decision to take my class on the fact that I had some chili peppers on RateMyProfessor by some past students, only to be sorely disappointed and felt the need to vent their frustrations. Then again, anyone who takes a teachers class based on the fact that the teacher is “hot”, is obviously not looking for an education but rather eye candy, and who is to say that the students who marked off those chili peppers were being honest or were wanting to pull a prank? And that’s not even taking into consideration that everyone has different tastes; beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?
In any case, I am not trying to look pretty for any of my students. I’ve been married for 12 years to a man who thinks I’m gorgeous; I’m not trying to impress a bunch of 17 & 18 year old boys, or girls for that matter.
So what lessons have we learned from all of this?
Well, if you are going to make a claim, you better be able to support it with LOGICAL reasoning, stay away from fallacies, and review chapter 9 (the classical argument) in the Allyn & Bacon text.
Peace Out Suckas!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My Final Farewell to you ENC 1101 & 1102
I told you all from the beginning that my teaching philosophy lied in the fact that if I could teach you to be critical thinkers, than I would be able to help you become critical writers. Life is not black and white, there are many shades of color and you must be able to see beyond the solid lines and analyze the blurred parts. You are not always going to find answers and there is not always going to be a right or wrong. Truth lies in being able to listen and learn and grow. I think most of you learned this, particularly my 1102 classes, with your final projects. Things aren't always what they seem, right?
To my 1101 students, good luck with 1102, I hope I was able to arm you with the tools you will need for next semester: remember: audience, genre, purpose, ethos, logos and pathos. And to those of you who will be taking 1102 with me, Get ready for a challenge!! Oh, and lots of fun!
To my 1102 students, I send you off into the bleak cold world armed with newfound knowledge, a new perspective on life, and prepared to take on any challenge. If you continue your mission that began with your project I applaud you! And even if you don't, remember that you are now equipped with knowledge that most people don't have about an issue, and you can educate and pursuade with that knowledge. Make others care as much as you do.
I'll miss you all, and keep in touch or if you ever need anything send me an email.
Hoorah to the NO SLACKER ZONE!
P.S. I only write letters of recommendations for people who deserve it!! LOL!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Blog Extension
Thursday, November 29, 2007
ENC 1102 Blog Prompt #9
ENC 1101: Blog #9
Argue against the position you are taking on your final essay. If you are for Education Reform, argue against it....if you are for the DREAM act, argue against it.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
One Last Opportunity at Extra Credit
(We will have out 9th entry next week and your final and tenth entry will be your self evaluation for the semester)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
To You: My Millenial Students
(P.S. Post up a blog entry to this and get extra credit towards your journal grade; I know everybody could use a makeup on one journal. I may make this opportunity available a few more times before the end of the semester. By the way, this is me catering to you; the millenial generation (you'll understand better after you watch the video))
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Children of Sierra Leone
Found this on one of my students blogs and wanted to share with you the idea of making a video for your advocacy ad. Note the very beginning of the movie that tell you targeted audience and purpose. There is some questionable movie techniques used and you'll see what I am talking about when you watch it, but all in all it serves as a sample for your own advocacy a.
Friday, November 9, 2007
No Blog
Hey guys, I've decided to not give you a blog this weekend. Hope you have a good weekend. See you Tuesday!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
ENC 1101 Blog Prompt #8
A while back there was a big controversy with Don Imus who made racist coments about the Womans Rutgers Basketball Team. Those comments flared a debate regarding the use of profanity in the hip hop industry. Where do you stand on this issue? Below are two clips, watch them carefully, and analyze the arguments the speakers are making. Are they convincing you? Are they appealing to your emotions/values/beliefs/, are they appealing to your reason, are they using evidence to support their claim, do they have ethical appeal, are they presenting themself well by using appropriate language and vocabulary, are they being fair minded and respecting other views and opinions, or are they attacking?
ENC 1102 Blog Entry Prompt #8

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
On Proofreading
Here is an example of why it's so imporatant to proofread your essays before you turn them in for a final grade. Great laugh! Enjoy! (P.S. Thanks Dantes for this one! Took me a week to post it up but I finally got it)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A past student of mine.....
The movie title is "Reflections" under FIU.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"The United Fruit Company" by Pablo Neruda
"The United Fruit Co."
When the trumpet sounded, everything
on earth was prepared
and Jehovah distributed the world
to Coca Cola Inc., Anaconda,
Ford Motors and other entities:
The Fruit Company Inc.
reserved the juiciest for itself,
the central coast of my land,
the sweet waist of America.
It re-baptized the lands
"Banana Republics"
and on the sleeping dead,
on the restless heroes
who'd conquered greatness,
liberty and flags,
it founded a comic opera:
it alienated free wills,
gave crowns of Caesar as gifts,
unsheathed jealousy, attracted
the dictatorship of the flies,
Trujillo flies, Tachos flies,
Carias flies, Martinez flies,
Ubico flies, flies soppy
with humble blood and marmelade,
drunken flies that buzz
around common graves,
circus flies, learned flies
adept at tyranny.
The Company disembarks
among the blood-thirsty flies,
brim-filling their boats that slide
with the coffee and fruit treasure
of our submerged lands like trays.
Meanwhile, along the sugared up
abysms of the ports,
indians fall over, buried
in the morning mist:
a body rolls, a thing
without a name, a fallen number,
a bunch of dead fruit
spills into the pile of rot.
-Translated by Jack Hirschman from The Essential Neruda
Here is a link to an interview with Natalia Revuelta, who is still alive today and living in Cuba, still a strong supporter of her ex-lover. There is an interesting detail that you may pick up on from the daughter, Alina, that may have some relation to one of the stories in the text. Anyways, this is just some additional info I though you might find interesting.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Blog #7
For essay #3 you have been asked to explore a new community, or sub culture within your university community, so that you may learn new things and then share that information with an audience of peers. The sub cultures on campus are just one of the thousands of different types of communities that exist through out the world, and more often than not, people in general do not expose themselves to other communities out of fear, lack of comfort, unfamiliarity, inability to open up and discover, or experience, a set mind frame of what is right and wrong or acceptable and inacceptable, and many other reasons.
National Geographic airs a show called "Taboo", where different cultures and customs are explored and aired to the world to view. Watch the following clips and write a reaction on your blog. However, you are not to allow your emotions to drive your reaction. Stay away from "Oh my gosh, what the heck was that, that is sooooo gross, I can't believe people do that, that's crazy, what's wrong with them?" Etc, Etc, Etc. I want you to step outside your comfort zone and what YOU have been raised to find acceptable, morally correct, religiously correct, etc. and open up your mind. Allow yourself to learn to appreciate other cultures, other customs, and react to the video using logic and reason as well as a level of maturity. You audience for this entry is the entire Blogger.com world. Anyone could be reading your entry, therefore you must adjust your voice and style so that you may establish credibility for yourself as you engage in a discussion about cultures and communities. You may also use the experiences that you are gaining with the clubs/organizations you are working with, or any other prior experiences you have had in the past, or perhaps encounters you have had with people "from another world" other than yours. What can you learn? What did you learn? Did you allow yourself to learn anything?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Blog #7
Write a response/reaction to the movie we watched in class today taking into consideration the purpose for showing this movie was for historical background information. Do not allow your response to guided by emotions and preconcieved opinions. Base your response on what you saw in class today. Remember that this is a public blog and other people in the internet community could come across your blog. You want to sound logical and with reason when you present your discussion.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Think for yourself...Can you handle it?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ahhh Responsibility...
Responsibility is something I teach my kids on a daily basis, it isn't something I should feel compelled to teach a bunch of college students. You all made a choice to be here, I doubt anyone put a gun to your head and forced you, and that said you all make the choice to do your hw, do your essays, do your blogs, etc. Whether you choose to do a good job is yet another choice. And perhaps since the decision to go to college is a choice, you don't see it as an obligation to yourself. But you should. Getting an education is your personal responsibility to yourself, and if you choose not to take it seriously than don't waste my time or your peers or your own for that matter.
Writing is a task that you will be required to do for many of your classes as you go on with your undergrad work and most likely when you enter the workforce of your profession. If you don't learn how to write an essay the way it should be written, don't expect to pass too many classes. But most importantly, you need to learn to think for yourselves, speak with conviction, think about life and the world around you critically, outside the box. If you can accomplish this then you can write critically, and that is the most important way to write.
I sign off with a quote, a thinking quote,
Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. ~John F. Kennedy
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Social Issues...Who Cares?
There are many social issues going on in the world around us that more often than not we don't even realize they are there. Whether in your community, in your state, country or across the globe in another country, these social issues, regardless of our attention to them are happening, and in one way or another affect our lives whether we want to admit it or not. Some of you perhaps watch the news on a daily basis, or read the newspaper, or online news and are aware of these issues, some of you may choose to put on blinders because you may think "There's nothing I can do, so why bother", or "The news only spews bad news and I only want to surround myself with positive news." Perfectly understandable. Perhaps there isn't anything you can do, perhaps the bad news around the wordl will ruin your happy, peaceful, life. Or maybe you do care, but you just don't know what you could possibly do. Regardless, the issues go on, they happen whether you want to acknowledge them or not. And I'm pretty sure you could sleep perfectly fine your entire life without worrying about the worries of the world. But this weekend, for my class, you are going to concern yourself with the issues of the world. For your blog entry, you are to discuss a social issue that you are aware of, (and if you are unaware of any, I guess that means you will have to do some "research"), take a stance or a position, how do you feel about it, discuss how you learned or discovered the issue, and any other relevant and intelligent remarks you would like to make about the issue. Most importantly though, as a part of this assignment, to prepare you for your final essays, you will encourage your classmates to learn about this issue as well. When you write your post for your blog, you will include a minimum of 2 hyperlinks that will redirect your readers to further information about the issue. Notice that the word "Hyperlink" is underlined, please click on it for more assistance. You will also be required to visit one of your peers blogs, read their blog and leave them a comment. This blog entry will be worth TWO grades. I sign off giving you some information on a social issue that you will not read about in the papers or see on the news.

In the city of Ocotal, in the northern part of Nicaragua, there live approximately 30 children at or near the local dump. These children not only live in some of the most deplorable conditions imaginable, but they spend the entire day, from 7am to 6pm working, rummaging
through the garbage at the dump, under inhumane conditions, collecting aluminum and plastic so they may in turn sell them to recycling buyers. The little bit of money they make is enough to feed them for the day. Of these 30 children twenty are boys and ten are girls. They range in ages from 4 years old to 16 years old. Of the thirty, only 5 attend school. Most no longer can read or write because it has been so long since the last time they went to school. Most are homeless and orphaned, and some even live at the dumpster itself with only a plastic tarp as cover. There are no adults with these children except for one mother who
is accompanied by her young daughter every day. Although Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, it is also one of the poorest. While it is rich in beauty and culture, it is an impoverished country, and ranks as the 2nd poorest country of the western hemisphere after Haiti.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
For Shits and Giggles...well, not really
Carlos Mencia
Monday, September 24, 2007
Carlos Mencia
The truth
BLog #4
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Carlos Mencia
Mencia makes fun of people's offense to stereotypes. We all are taught that stereotyping is wrong, but we have to realize that they have been based in some truth. For example, when he says that people get offended if one assumes their customs based on their culture. I think that is truly ridiculous.
Its like everyone wants to be treated equally, but in the same breath, they want special accommodations.
When Carlos Mencia talks about learning disabilities I thought that besides his brutality (which is there for comedic reasons) his point are not so crazy. I understand that people can have learning disabilities but if they are given exception after exception how are we supposed to expect them to grow and push themselves to achieve. I guess it is difficult to know where to draw the line; when should people be forced to conform and when should their circumstances be given special consideration.
Friday, September 21, 2007
ENC 1101 & 1102 Blog Prompt #4
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
what the hell?!?!
UF Student Arrested

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
ENC 1101 Blog Prompt #3: Media in Politics.
After watching the video on Miss Teen S.C. a student posted on their blog that we are considered the "idiot nation" and all we care about is Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears in the news. How much does the media influence us? Do you think it influences you? How much do the visual communications we are bombarded with on a daily basis influence our decicions and our behaviors? Hmmm, post your thoughts on these questions and the video.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
ENC 1102 Blog Entry #3 Prompt

Monday, September 10, 2007
miss teen USA
this is my first blog. i hope i'm doing this right! lol so yeah, i did watch the video and i felt bad for this girl because everyone is going to remember her because of that for the rest of her life!! that must've been the dumbest response someone could have given for that question but being that she graduated high school with a 3.5 gpa and and the fact that she was being watched in national television, she probably was just nervous!! still, i couldn't help but laugh the whole time!! lol :) |
"personally i believe"-- no you don't!!
I think it would have been better if she was like hmmm.. and thought of what to say.. rather than just start blurting words.. But either way, it takes alot of "courage" for lack of a better word to stand up in front of billions of people who are all criticizing you as a dumb blonde with a pretty face. And anyone who hasn't seen Ms. Congeniality still thinks of them as dumb blondes. So i still give her props but hey, you'd never find me up there talking about americans don't have maps. =D
Miss Teen USA
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Miss Teen USA
First Blog
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Miss Teen USA
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina on Today show
Many of you have seen the embarrassing moment for Miss South Carolina. Now watch as she defends herself. What do you think? Post your remarks on your blog.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My First Blog
Having A Blog
Monday, September 3, 2007
First Blog..
First of a few!!
frist blog
My First Blog! :-/
Sunday, September 2, 2007
what is blog?
i just got home from work. I tried to log into blackboard but had no luck. I clicked on forgot my password this morning and didnt havent gotten my password yet. i hope everyone have a safe Labor Day.
My first blog
Well... I've never actually had a blog before. I always used to hear my friends talk about their blogs online, and honestly, I never really understood what a blog was. But now I know, because I have my very own! So, it's awesome that now I have a blog and I get to post up opinions and discussions. Hmm... thank you Natasha for inspiring me (actually requiring me) to create my own blog. =) |
1st blog! woo!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
first blog?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My first piece